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Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 09, 2019, 04:51:16 pm »
You must be running VERY old software. My browser won't even load the SSL version. Surely you had warnings? Says there is no security certificate. Logically, why on earth would you host with a company that can't get their own home page right?
Public Discussion / Re: Looking for a VPN
« Last post by Richardk on January 09, 2019, 04:40:46 pm »
Also look for the feature that strips out ads in their servers (not on your pc).  This sometimes gets around websites that won't display properly if you don't have ads turned on. Several vpns offer this including PIA. Good luck.

Oh that's an interesting feature. I've seen it listed on their site but didn't really consider what it means. Maybe I should try this VPN out myself? I refrain from doing "work" in unfriendly / unknown environments, so I never had much of a need. Maybe that will change and give me more flexibility?
Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by Richardk on January 09, 2019, 04:31:09 pm »
Wow, thanks for the tips!

Hard to understand why people still use Windows except it's a monopoly. I like it but it's beginning to feel like bloatware.
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by Richardk on January 09, 2019, 04:27:41 pm »
Ha-ha-ha of course if it's too good to be true then it probably is.

Ran across this while reading up on VPN services. Also I can open it with minimal complaining from my system (like almost none).
Public Discussion / Re: Looking for a VPN
« Last post by benali72 on January 08, 2019, 09:56:25 pm »
Also look for the feature that strips out ads in their servers (not on your pc).  This sometimes gets around websites that won't display properly if you don't have ads turned on. Several vpns offer this including PIA. Good luck.
Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by benali72 on January 08, 2019, 09:54:41 pm »
Win 10 shows MS has decided disk space is no longer a consideration for its consumers, so they don't bother managing it. Most users are losing a lot more than 7g to Win updates these days.

Some ideas --

1- Turn off the "feature" that by default makes your Win 10 computer an update server for other people --

2-  Regain 10G from the Oct 2018 update --

3-  Follow the standard advice on reducing Win 10 space usage by anywhere from 10-30g --

Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 08, 2019, 09:42:29 pm »
You have to be kidding.

This site is f***ed. My browser won't even open the page, claiming a security risk.

OpenDNS reports to me:
This site is blocked due to a phishing threat.    Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to get you to provide personal information under false pretenses.
 Sorry, has been blocked by your network administrator.
Public Discussion / Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by Richardk on January 08, 2019, 09:00:40 pm »
This is ridiculous pricing. Seem legit?
Has anyone heard of these?
Public Discussion / Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by Richardk on January 08, 2019, 05:03:14 pm »
Just reading this story:

and was wondering what ever happened to Windows? 7 GB of disc space just to install some updates? The graphic on that page suggests that the whole system fits into 5.5 GB but you need 7 GB just for updates? Gosh I remember working on multi-user systems that only had 20 MB of storage for the whole system. Granted it didn't do half of what Windows does but wow, things sure have changed.
Public Discussion / Re: Looking for a VPN
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 06, 2019, 04:34:29 pm »
Also look for a credible non logging policy. PIA has an explicit policy of not logging any user logins or connections to IPs, therefore, they own no data that can be subpoena'd or otherwise disclosed to copyright trolls or law enforcement. You want to Google any vendor you consider and see what is said about them. A few have violated user trust with disclosure.

When I shopped around I found PIA to be a price leader. $40 per year for each year.
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