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Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 14, 2019, 10:03:16 am »
I heard parts of DC got 4" - 7" of snow?

In Wisconsin fly-over-country we have sunshine and no snow. Usually we are buried by now but we've been having lots of rain.

That's completely amazing. You're like, what, 50-100 miles from Hudson Bay? :P

8" reported here in southern Ohio. Fun times, not.

Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by unix on January 14, 2019, 09:16:04 am »
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 13, 2019, 08:53:10 pm »
I know it was tongue in cheek. I'm on Linux, so perhaps the browsers on that platform are more particular about security.

I don't know why we're still discussing this stupid scammy site. I finally pulled the site up on my phone.  Basically, I do not believe the prices for what is claimed they are offering.  2GB VPS with Windows for 35/yr? NO. The pricing for legitimate hosts, with free Linux, is more like $3/mo to start for a 256MB VPS.

This place is offering an order of magnitude "more" than what everyone else offers. That says it's a scam.

If you even GET a VPS when you order, I suspect the boxes are heavily overcommitted.

Surely after all these years you know that very cheap shared hosting means pure shit performance, 100s of sites on one underpowered server? This is likely the same thing, assuming it's not a scam to collect credit card numbers.
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by Richardk on January 13, 2019, 08:07:14 pm »
I heard parts of DC got 4" - 7" of snow?

In Wisconsin fly-over-country we have sunshine and no snow. Usually we are buried by now but we've been having lots of rain.
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by Richardk on January 13, 2019, 08:03:18 pm »
The Gorn, my "paranoid mode" comment was somewhat tongue in check but maybe you're onto something?

On the surface, these look like offers for hosting but none of the actual sites have these "deals", though some of them look like "good deals" nonetheless. If you believe them, they are trying to list cheap hosting deals. I have to agree that if the offers are legit, they must be very oversold, since how do they make any money?
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by pxsant on January 13, 2019, 11:48:55 am »
I have sent inquiries to 4 of the organizations listed.   All of their Web sites appear virtually identical except for details.   Their response auto emails all look absolutely identical except for the company they supposedly originated from.   This whole thing has to be a scam.
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by unix on January 13, 2019, 11:01:43 am »

It' s not snowapocalypse, it's flupocalypse.
I hear you.

I got this really strong hospital grade antibacterial soap called Hibicleans, gets really high ratings on Amazon.  Spray my hands all the time.
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 13, 2019, 07:44:26 am »
We were hammered here in Ohio.

It is a mandate that in winter, you must face gargantuan snowfalls at the same time that you're sick and miserable with infections that some unclean lowlife passed to you in public. I've been sicker than fuck for a week. I am go Goddamned tired of feeling terrible! And there's so much brute force labor to perform just to get out of the driveway.
Public Discussion / Re: Recovering Win10 EFI partition from Linux
« Last post by unix on January 13, 2019, 07:14:11 am »
There is a really cool program called EasyBCD and it automatically configures disk in a multiboot configuration, creating boot entries.

of course it doesn't copy any data, you still have to use a Partition Manager type program something like Macrium Reflect or any other Clonezilla type app to clone or image disks. After running EasyBCD, verify the results by running bcdedit and then upon rebooting, you will see multiple disks right after the splash screen and given whatever timeout you defined (I set it at 10 seconds).
Public Discussion / East coast snow
« Last post by unix on January 13, 2019, 07:09:38 am »
It looks lovely. Too bad we didn't get it for Xmas. Or New Year. So this is a delayed New Year situation here.

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