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Public Discussion / Re: Specs for a new laptop
« Last post by Richardk on January 21, 2019, 07:29:54 pm »
So what about a ThinkPad P72?

Yes, pricey but it sure has a lot to offer. Would end up being my main machine, basically a portable "desktop". A family member swears by their customer service and he has a need for a machine like that. I like the features but wonder if I can find something similar for less?

My goal is a replacement laptop which is more of a workstation or my "desktop", if that makes sense. I'd like to "play" with virtualization and servers again then I need something more than a consumer level machine but hell, I have enough "spare parts" and other computers laying around that I could probably cobble something together, so am I just fooling myself with this overpowered monster?

On the flip side, I buy expensive, quality (I hope) computers and run them into the ground. For instance my current machine still runs Windows XP. Ha-ha. I know. So this would be the next upgrade. Maybe I need to upgrade more often and buy cheaper stuff?

That Dell XPS L702x looked nice too but a bit dated and hard to find.

My situation has changed and I'm looking at a gift horse but don't want to foolishly spent that I don't need to. So does anyone have any experience with these machines or similar class?

Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by Richardk on January 15, 2019, 03:03:11 pm »
Wow, their bottom end looks very cheap. Honestly, it's been some time since I ran a VPS and feel like I'd need a beginners guide to start over. It's tempting to just pick one and run with it to re-freshen my skills while on the other hand I keep thinking why bother?  Wow, this is a crappy place to be.
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by Richardk on January 15, 2019, 02:52:11 pm »
Ha-ha. OMG, we'll send you a map for your Birthday!  >:D
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 14, 2019, 09:23:37 pm »
I used it for several months. It's legit. Reviews vary, some people think the owner is a shithead, but it's the best deal I found for a very cheap minimal VPS. If you need/want a better VPS with more reasonable specs, has very good values and is VERY legitimate (they are the 2nd largest web farm in the world behind AWS.)
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 14, 2019, 09:21:58 pm »
Hudson Bay. Cuz you're like way north and stuff.

Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by Richardk on January 14, 2019, 07:09:48 pm »
That's completely amazing. You're like, what, 50-100 miles from Hudson Bay? :P

Hudson Bay?

Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by Richardk on January 14, 2019, 06:59:56 pm »
I don't know why we're still discussing this stupid scammy site.

Ha-ha so true.

With that said, I was just thinking I should shop around for a new host. Is that Virtual Machine Solutions place legit? I don't have a strong need but like to have access to a box to play with. Maybe host a site or two?
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by unix on January 14, 2019, 06:02:05 pm »

It's lovely. I love snow. Do not love however walking through it or driving.

Looks neat through the window.
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by JoFrance on January 14, 2019, 03:53:00 pm »
We only got a dusting.  I'm feeling very lucky.
Public Discussion / Re: East coast snow
« Last post by pxsant on January 14, 2019, 11:02:32 am »
Looks like a baby polar bear lurking near one of those chairs!
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