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Public Discussion / Re: Recovering Win10 EFI partition from Linux
« Last post by unix on January 12, 2019, 03:02:19 pm »
I remember there being a huge stink over EFI partitions but can't recall why.  Good luck!

something to do with UEFI / GPT machines that evolved from BIOS/MBR format. Things got more complicated and you cannot run bcdedit to configure a Linux disk entry into one of the boot entries. Essentially you have to let grub create the multiboot configuraton. I am still using bcdedit at this point, it looks kind of like this, these are all the bootable devices. If I want to boot into Linux, I hit F11 during the splash screen during the bootcycle and it gives me a list of the bootable devices, then I select the Linux drive.

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {current}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.efi
description              Windows 10  PM981
locale                  en-US
osdevice                partition=C:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {4ab9657c-13b5-11e9-9e57-806e6f6e6963}

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {68fb448f-13a8-11e9-9e52-d8cb8aefea8e}
device                  partition=G:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.efi
description              Windows 10 PM951    -- January 8, 2019
locale                  en-US
osdevice                partition=G:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {b3e69e43-13a8-11e9-9e53-806e6f6e6963}

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {519f9f0b-1313-11e9-9e09-e27065a9765e}
device                  partition=H:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.efi
description              Windows 10  860 M.2 -- January 8, 2019
locale                  en-US
osdevice                partition=H:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {72a4beb2-1314-11e9-9e50-806e6f6e6963}
bootmenupolicy          Standard

I will probably wipe out this bottom drive that has Win10 on it and install some flavor of Linux when I decide what's most palatable.
Public Discussion / Re: Recovering Win10 EFI partition from Linux
« Last post by unix on January 12, 2019, 02:55:47 pm »
I was down for almost a week.. what seemed like a very long week.

None of the standard tools helped with EFI recovery. I went through all of the tools available back and forth.  Created a bootable flash drive with Windows Preloaded-Environment and worked with it.

The thing that *did* work was taking one of my SSDs, throwing a brand new Windows 10 install on it. Then taking the faulty drive and copying everything but the EFI partition onto the new install, which booted, and had a good EFI partition. So I got a good EFI and its C:\ partition was overwritten by the c:\partition from the broken drive. Kind of a hybrid situation. Then I just had to let windows do a "repair", created a bootable entry with the bcdedit/bcdboot commands and that was it.

EFI is the devil.
I think I learned everything about it and have a suspicion I still don't know anything about it.

Then I cloned the primary drive onto a clone disk, then cloned it again to another disk. So I have 2 good copies. Then I created a bootable Macrium Reflect flash drive and also created a disk image to an external 4TB USB drive, you know, the slow type.

I think AOMEI Partition Assistant has some kind of bug in it as it does not deal with with multiboot systems.  Instead of cloning the primary disk to designated clone disk, it wiped out the EFI in the source disk and completely wiped the clone disk. I really don't get it why it messed with the source disk at all.  I am 100% certain I ran the right command.

I think I will configure the machine into this configuration below, though I am having a hard time deciding on the Linux distribution. I really like SUSE and Ubuntu, but neither one uses Redhat package management system, the rpm stuff. Ubuntu is a Debian type which is substantially different from Redhat Enterprise in that regard. I did play with Fedora 29 for a while and it felt a bit "Meh". Not as colorful as Ubuntu. I did't care for the Gnome Windows manager. 

My original goal was CentOS since it's closest to Redhat Enterprise without all the licensing BS but amazingly, I could not get it to recognize my non-C:\ disks - and I really did not want to overwrite the primary Windows disk.  It just did not see them to install itself on them.  Maybe I will try again.
I keep finding examples where programs do not deal well with machines in a multiboot configuration, where there are several disks with the EFI partition, etc. It's not that complicated.

Maybe I will try fvwm Windows Manager, this is really old school shyt. I ran it 25 years ago, damn. I didn't realize it was still around, but I really liked it and how you could define virtual windows.

In all seriousness, KDE rules.


Last, but certainly not least, there's FVWM, an old-school window manager for X that's been around for ages.

Public Discussion / Re: Looking for a VPN
« Last post by pxsant on January 12, 2019, 02:38:03 pm »
PIA , is that the same as PrivateVPN?

No it is not.  Go to
Public Discussion / Re: Looking for a VPN
« Last post by unix on January 12, 2019, 02:34:47 pm »
PIA , is that the same as PrivateVPN?
Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by unix on January 12, 2019, 02:29:28 pm »
Win 10 shows MS has decided disk space is no longer a consideration for its consumers, so they don't bother managing it. Most users are losing a lot more than 7g to Win updates these days.

Some ideas --

1- Turn off the "feature" that by default makes your Win 10 computer an update server for other people --

This article is from 2015 and Win10 interface has changed substantially since then - but you can still navigate through basically the same areas.

I ran O&O ShutUp10 app and it does some of that and a lot more. Like telemetry.
Public Discussion / Re: OMG
« Last post by unix on January 12, 2019, 02:06:01 pm »
1- Turn off the "feature" that by default makes your Win 10 computer an update server for other people --

Essentially, your PC is controlled by Win10 to be a Bittorrent type server node by default?

Jesus Christ. MS has absolutely no respect for its customers or users.

That is correct.. there is that Windows 10 app you can install that will turn off all that BS, supposedly.

Public Discussion / Re: Specs for a new laptop
« Last post by unix on January 12, 2019, 02:04:25 pm »
I have a stupid MSI gaming laptop and while it excels in every category, they have a built-in battery you cannot swap (easily). And because it's so powerful, it runs down to zero in about 50 minutes.

The 2280 format of SSD is the size of the chewing gum stick and they hold up to 2TB, maybe even 4TB by now. Advantages are many - shock-proof, light and no noise or vibration and consumes less power, increasing your runtime. More compact, making your computer even slimmer. I wish I had about 8 2280 slots.  Instead of just 4. this is what my machine looks like disk-wise:

Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 12, 2019, 12:03:34 pm »
I would love to have some of those Linus stickers to put on PC's at my bank customers!
Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by pxsant on January 12, 2019, 11:09:43 am »
I would love to have some of those Linus stickers to put on PC's at my bank customers!

Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 11, 2019, 06:14:43 pm »
Pxsant, Waterfox on Linux and also Chromium are both refusing to even load the site.

Richard, no paranoid mode. Your site is the only one I've seen for a long time that displays these errors. The error I get is like there is not even an SSL certificate installed:

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

I have a self created certificate for SSL on my own VPS. The browser complains but I can click through the warnings and it keeps my choice permanently. Your site doesn't even get that far.

I've posted regularly about hosting deals that are legitimate.  Here is one that worked for me for awhile.
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