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Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 11, 2019, 06:07:15 pm »
Here is a Reddit custom made just for Ilconsigliere (and me, for that matter):

Ein Volk
Ein Betriebssystem

 >:D ;D
Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by Richardk on January 11, 2019, 05:41:59 pm »
Haha yes we know it blows! But sometimes you're stuck using that.

As for the BitTorrent type server, I remember hearing about that before but is Windows 10 the first version to do that?
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by pxsant on January 11, 2019, 05:30:28 pm »
I don't get any warnings in either Linux or Windows.  I don't know whether they are legitimate or not.  But I do have a problem with their pricing structure.  In order for them to make a profit on any server, they would have to pack an awful lot of VPS's on a physical server box.  That means a serious performance hit on each VPS.   The only way to tell whether this outfit is legit is for someone here willing to take the risk is to buy a cheap VPS and see what happens.   If I were to do it I would use a one time use virtual credit card number just in case.


Hold on.  I am looking over that site and it appears to me that they don't actually offer or sell anything.  They appear to be a listing site for other organizations to list cheap VPS and Reseller hosting.   Anyone else read that over enough to pick that up?


Looks like some of these offers are scams.  For example KudoHosting lists a Reseller 600 GB setup with unmetered bandwidth for $29/hear.   But if you go to their site using the link, the actual price is $29/month.   I'll check out a few others.
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by Richardk on January 11, 2019, 04:30:02 pm »
Only warning I get is some content is insecure or it's a mixed content site. And that's with Norton and malwarebytes live or whatever they call it running under Firefox.

Haha looks legit to me. Maybe you're running in paranoid mode?
Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by JoFrance on January 11, 2019, 02:47:24 pm »
I know it blows, but all my other software depends on it.
Public Discussion / Re: Specs for a new laptop
« Last post by JoFrance on January 11, 2019, 02:41:10 pm »
I would look at what HP has to offer.  Their PCs are really nice and last a long time.  You can get some really good deals on their refurbished PCs and laptops.  They even come with a warranty.  Their configurations are good for most people.

The important thing is to buy a PC or laptop that is expandable so you can add memory and anything else you want to enhance it in the future.

I've always been a desktop person but I have a couple of laptops and a fire tablet.  My desktop has a Logitech surround sound speaker system.  I use my desktop PC as a second TV at times.  It works for me.

Public Discussion / Linux or Bust
« Last post by ilconsiglliere on January 11, 2019, 02:18:28 pm »
Lets all say it together - Linux or bust.  >:D

If you migrate to Win10 you will be sorry. I use it every day at work and it blows.
Public Discussion / Re: Ridiculous pricing for hosting?
« Last post by JoFrance on January 11, 2019, 01:52:09 pm »
I didn't get any warnings, but it looks like a scam to me.  I'm using Chrome and Norton.   
Public Discussion / Re: Windows 10 'reserved storage'
« Last post by JoFrance on January 11, 2019, 01:42:35 pm »
That is just unbelievable.  MS really overstepped its bounds with this.  Thanks for posting this.

Pretty soon Windows 7 will be obsolete and I'll have to go to Windows 10.  I'd use something else, but all my other software depends on Windows.
Public Discussion / OMG
« Last post by G0ddard B0lt on January 09, 2019, 04:53:15 pm »
1- Turn off the "feature" that by default makes your Win 10 computer an update server for other people --

Essentially, your PC is controlled by Win10 to be a Bittorrent type server node by default?

Jesus Christ. MS has absolutely no respect for its customers or users.
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