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Author Topic: Anyone here set up / use a business class external DNS service?  (Read 292 times)


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Hi All,

I was just wondering if any of you have set up / used any of the business class, external / public DNS services?

Like DynDNS, OpenDNS, ComodoDNS, etc.....

Here's the background on this small piece of the overall project.

I'm in the process of acquiring (buy and IPv4 class C and get an equivalently sized IPv6 block) so I can set up dual / completely different ISP's into my campus.  Part of that involves wanting to get my public / external DNS services off my ISP's DNS.  So, I'm looking into the choices of external / business class DNS services.

I have about 60 domains (haven't counted the number of DNS records I have yet).  So far, none of these dirty %$@#^ have any sort of "here's our web interface and here's what the pricing matrix is).  They only want to schedule a 45 minute demo (which I don't have time for at this stage of the process).

If I could trust my team to be able to manage it, I'd just use standard "bind" at each of my 3 sites and call it good.

Thoughts / input?

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Anyone here set up / use a business class external DNS service?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2018, 04:02:24 pm »
Thoughts (I know what you're trying to do but I have only set up and experimented with my own residential scale stuff):

Off the top of my head ... I glanced at and went through a bit of DynDns's website literature. They (will probably be true of all such vendors) have a SOAP/Rest programmatic interface, as well as the usual web control panel.

My guess is the vendors are not just being oily sales types. They probably all believe that their offering has so many ins and outs that they need to present everything they sell in a webinar or online video in order to deal with you.

If I could trust my team to be able to manage it, I'd just use standard "bind" at each of my 3 sites and call it good.

This comment gave me an idea. Here is one idea for shortcutting the evaluation process:

Develop a use case for the DNS service as you will actually be deploying and using it in your sites. Walk through how you intend your people or you to work with the tools.

IE, if you use the canned web interface then you never have to touch the SOAP interface and therefore a lot of their presentation may be moot.

In other words try to pre-qualify how you want the tool to work and then approach the vendors with that as the main point you need to have satisfied.

That may work better than asking for sales materials it sounds like they lack. That may focus your conversation with them and they can then give you a shortcutted summary.

And tell them what you told me/us. You are an expert sysadmin and you know what DNS does and you have deployed your own DNS and you don't have time to work through their intake process.
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Re: Anyone here set up / use a business class external DNS service?
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2018, 04:02:24 am »
Thanks Gorm,

All good points and you fed me some thoughts on how to proceed with "those people".


G0ddard B0lt

  • I absolutely DESPISE improvised sulfur-charcoal-salt peter cannons made out of hollow tree branches filled with diamonds as projectiles.
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Re: Anyone here set up / use a business class external DNS service?
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2018, 06:54:45 am »
Glad to help.

I think the best and most universal rhetorical advice to give in the techie/geek world is:

"Tell them what you told us."
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