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Author Topic: What is DevOps?  (Read 986 times)

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: What is DevOps?
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2018, 08:05:12 am »
Uhhh... Anyone for building WordPress websites?  :P

What a pile of shit! (Devops, that is.)
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Re: What is DevOps?
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2018, 08:11:53 am »
Uhhh... Anyone for building WordPress websites?  :P

What a pile of shit! (Devops, that is.)

Nobody has enough money to do that shit.


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Re: What is DevOps?
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2018, 03:57:18 am »
Things never change do they?  Back in the day, long before the word "Agile" had been invented I used to go to daily "merge meetings" where you had to explain what and why you were merging into the baseline. "Breaking the build" was about the most humiliating thing a programmer could do. 

That brings back some good memories for me.  Many, many years ago, I was the "build / configuration master" at a DoD contract.  I had an actual "propellerhead beanie cap" that I gave out to the developer that "broke" a build.  That person had to keep it in their work area until the build was able to be properly integrated into the end product.  At first, they hated it (we had nightly builds).  But, after time went by it turned into a fun thing (I was usually able to fix their code for them before they arrived in to work the next morning - Ada, C, C++, O/S's and shell scripts running on a Harris NightHawk, Sun Workstations and some custom hardware components).

Ahh, the memories when times were much simpler.


I D Shukhov

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Re: What is DevOps?
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2018, 04:30:11 am »
Things never change do they?  Back in the day, long before the word "Agile" had been invented I used to go to daily "merge meetings" where you had to explain what and why you were merging into the baseline. "Breaking the build" was about the most humiliating thing a programmer could do. 

That brings back some good memories for me.  Many, many years ago, I was the "build / configuration master" at a DoD contract.  I had an actual "propellerhead beanie cap" that I gave out to the developer that "broke" a build.  That person had to keep it in their work area until the build was able to be properly integrated into the end product.  At first, they hated it (we had nightly builds).  But, after time went by it turned into a fun thing (I was usually able to fix their code for them before they arrived in to work the next morning - Ada, C, C++, O/S's and shell scripts running on a Harris NightHawk, Sun Workstations and some custom hardware components).

Ahh, the memories when times were much simpler.

Times are far simpler now!  That's why I said I was really appreciative of continuous integration with Subversion and Jenkins at my last job. 

Doesn't a "nightly build" sound so horrible in this day and age?  And the poor developers...  A project manager -- who, BTW, unlike you, never contributed or fixed anything, one time stood in front of a group of developers in an auditorium and threatened the entire group with some kind of public humiliation (can't remember what it was) if anyone merged any code that broke the overnight build.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 04:48:30 am by I D Shukhov »
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