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Author Topic: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion  (Read 662 times)


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Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« on: February 27, 2018, 05:30:52 pm »
James DaMore recently disagreed with Google, his employer at the time, with their diversity policies.  He said women aren't as interested in software engineering and there was discrimination against conservative white men.  This article explains what happened.

He is now unemployable because Google is so pervasive in the tech world.  It seems like in order to have a job in silicon valley or a lot of startups, you can't be on the outs with Google, like this guy is.

Apparently Google owns everything and you better not cross them or you will end up where James DaMore is now.


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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 05:34:55 pm »
It's a lot worse than I thought.
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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2018, 05:40:18 pm »
Yeah - he might have to work for the kinds of places we on this board have had to.  ???

Really, Damore should find a world class attorney to sue the ever loving shit out of Alphabet Inc. for reputational harm and irreparable damage to his future income opportunities.
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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2018, 05:55:32 pm »
what ever happened to the do no evil motto?
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2018, 09:04:26 pm »
This guy's opinion is the exact kind of free speech that needs to be protected and celebrated.

He's serious and well-spoken.

Whether one agrees with him or not is irrelevant to his right to say it. And our need to hear it.

TL;DR... political correctness run amuck.


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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2018, 04:06:30 pm »
Ha ha, "Do No Evil".  That was the old Google motto.  The new one seems to be compliance is mandatory.

Google has so much power now it's scary because of its group-think philosophy.  We are supposed to be a free society, but apparently that isn't really true if you work for a place like Google.  I bet a lot of people at Google have different points of view than the company group-think, but they're afraid to express them.  This is not acceptable in a free country and I think Gorn is right.  James Damore should sue them for lots of money and I hope he wins.  He's a young guy and his career prospects are few now.  He'll be picking from the trash with us old farts.

Companies have always denied references and the like for employees they fired, but this takes it to a whole new level because of the pervasiveness of Google. 


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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2018, 09:29:49 am »
Google is run by by a bunch of commie left wing liberals who talk all this crap about diversity, the free market, free speech and other thing but at the same time they are sponging off the tax payer and crushing anyone who doesnt think as they do.

Sounds to me like they need an anti-trust action against them.


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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2018, 04:09:44 pm »
ilconsiglliere wrote:
Sounds to me like they need an anti-trust action against them.

Here's and article that addresses that point more thoroughly.

The real issue with corporate censorship

The reason that Google, Twitter and Facebook have censorship power is that they have become so big that they overwhelm the internet.  They are near monopolies.  Businesses who depend on them for income have nowhere else to go when Google or Facebook arbitrarily ban them.  The real solution is to break giants up into several smaller businesses, thereby creating real competition and alternative places for banned dependent businesses to go.  Real competition would sharply limit their power of censorship.

As the author wrote:
"The real issue isn't that someone decides to banhammer someone else.  It's that market power has been allowed to accumulate in a small number of hands, which is not supposed to happen by design but it has because anti-trust laws have been ignored by the government."


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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2018, 08:44:21 am »
ilconsiglliere wrote:
Sounds to me like they need an anti-trust action against them.

Here's and article that addresses that point more thoroughly.

The real issue with corporate censorship

The reason that Google, Twitter and Facebook have censorship power is that they have become so big that they overwhelm the internet.  They are near monopolies.  Businesses who depend on them for income have nowhere else to go when Google or Facebook arbitrarily ban them.  The real solution is to break giants up into several smaller businesses, thereby creating real competition and alternative places for banned dependent businesses to go.  Real competition would sharply limit their power of censorship.

As the author wrote:
"The real issue isn't that someone decides to banhammer someone else.  It's that market power has been allowed to accumulate in a small number of hands, which is not supposed to happen by design but it has because anti-trust laws have been ignored by the government."

They are defacto monopolies and should be treated as such. That means they should either become highly regulated or broken up ala Ma Bell.

If your revenue depends on these people than by definition you are entirely dependent on them.

Here is something to think about - the govmt decided that a bakery had to bake a cake for gays even though they did not want to. Yet on the other hand these organizations are ALLOWED TO DISCRIMINATE against anyone.

So please explain the difference to me?


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Re: Being blacklisted by Google for your opinion
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2018, 04:54:46 pm »

 I don't know. IMO that's a dangerous path.

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.