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Author Topic: Google: Be Evil, We Have Your Coordinates - Clarifies Location Tracking Policy  (Read 162 times)


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
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Daily reminder: YOU ARE THE PRODUCT

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google has revised an erroneous description on its website of how its “Location History” setting works, clarifying that it continues to track users even if they’ve disabled the setting.

The change came three days after an Associated Press investigation revealed that several Google apps and websites store user location even if users have turned off Location History. Google has not changed its location-tracking practice in that regard.

But its help page for the Location History setting now states: “This setting does not affect other location services on your device.” It also acknowledges that “some location data may be saved as part of your activity on other services, like Search and Maps.”


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  • Wise Sage
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Ok does apple do that?
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
  • Wise Sage
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  • Posts: 3267
All cell phones can track people. Apple unlike Google is not in the data business. Apple wants to sell hardware/software to you.

Google on the other hand is in the data business and you are the product.