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Author Topic: On this board we were on the cutting edge of Youtube Censorship! READ!  (Read 311 times)

G0ddard B0lt

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Posted by David Randolph, who is apparently not inclined to darken our shores again ever:

YouTube has a big problem. I have not seen anyone discuss it yet.

Right now, people can rate the videos that are posted and obviously, those videos with more likes are displayed more for people to watch.

But there is no way to judge the correctness of any video. People are making all sorts of claims, posting Jidhadism propaganda, or "proofs" that man and dinosaurs co-existed. Thus, ISIS videos and other wild claims can be passed on with no challenge.

There is no way for people to protest against the content of the videos - to declare that it contains false information. The comments section is too limited and does not affect the rating of a video or its presentation to new "victims".

YouTube needs editors. Not necessarily people to remove videos, but people who can put a truthfulness rating on any video.
Or it needs a way to post contrary videos that are connected to the original.

(I ran into this while looking for learned discussions on southwest archeology.)


DR called it over 2 years ago.

Today it's "oh noes, Russia Russia Russia Youtube Conspiracies Silence Alex Jones REEEEEE".
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Re: On this board we were on the cutting edge of Youtube Censorship! READ!
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2018, 03:21:21 pm »
He had it right. 


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Re: On this board we were on the cutting edge of Youtube Censorship! READ!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2018, 06:47:12 am »
But how is this any different than the TV and newspapers? They dont tell the truth either and its been widely known for decades that they slice and dice the stories to fit the narrative that they want to push. There is tons of articles in preeminent newspapers that routinely distort the truth. Is there a truth scale for them?

The real difference is that the internet has democratized the media. Any tard with a smart phone can make a video and post it on the web. The elite HATE this.

On top of this who gets to decide what is the "truth"? Who is appointed the czar of media truthfullness?

G0ddard B0lt

  • I absolutely DESPISE improvised sulfur-charcoal-salt peter cannons made out of hollow tree branches filled with diamonds as projectiles.
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Re: On this board we were on the cutting edge of Youtube Censorship! READ!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2018, 07:04:06 am »
The difference is that the media isn't a self published model, and most social media gives the impression that it's a "common carrier". 10-15 years ago people were MUCH more opposed to censorship on communications channels than they are today ... there was still a core of web and tech elders around who were into free speech years ago. Now that the millennial kids have taken over society, censorship is cool.
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Re: On this board we were on the cutting edge of Youtube Censorship! READ!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2018, 08:31:46 am »
Generation zero
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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Re: On this board we were on the cutting edge of Youtube Censorship! READ!
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2018, 03:02:41 am »
The difference is that the media isn't a self published model, and most social media gives the impression that it's a "common carrier". 10-15 years ago people were MUCH more opposed to censorship on communications channels than they are today ... there was still a core of web and tech elders around who were into free speech years ago. Now that the millennial kids have taken over society, censorship is cool.

The youngins believe in this crap because of the Cultural Marxism that has been fed to them through the school system.