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Author Topic: Obviously the Board Changed a Bit  (Read 163 times)

G0ddard B0lt

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Obviously the Board Changed a Bit
« on: November 17, 2018, 08:26:26 am »
I made the decision to collapse all of the active subject-specific boards into far fewer general purpose boards.  And I moved the most recent year's worth of posts to the respective boards.

It should make it easier to decide where to post material. Also, by doing some curation based on recency, I got rid of thousands of posts by now-long-departed members.

Unix suggested this lately and some others have also mentioned it from time to time - reducing the number of sections, because the activity on the site has become so low.

Instead of "coffee chat", tech, and FTE/contract career stuff having their own forums, there is one omnibus Public Discussion board that replaces them.

"Logged in only" discussion and "Real business" discussion, both restricted to logged in members, are moved to a Logged In Discussion board.

The old "private, by invitation" board has basically been retained in the new Private Discussion board.


Now: (assuming you are a "trusted" member, not recently registered and known for a long time to me - if not, the "Private Discussion" board will not be visible - I need to know who you are to add you):

If you ONLY want old time members and those reasonably vetted to see a post, POST IT TO THE PRIVATE SECTION.

If you want to discuss something but you don't want your post hanging out to be seen by the general web and Google, AND you are ok with recently registered users seeing it, POST IT TO THE LOGGED IN DISCUSSION section.

If neither apply to your post, IE you don't care who sees your post, please post to the Public section.


Politics is now ALLOWED. All of the beta cucks have left us. :P
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Re: Obviously the Board Changed a Bit
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2018, 08:37:35 am »
You are right.
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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Re: Obviously the Board Changed a Bit
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2018, 08:49:03 pm »
Based on activity, I guess this makes sense.