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Author Topic: Google Data Collection  (Read 235 times)


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Google Data Collection
« on: August 24, 2018, 05:47:56 am »

"Google collects user data in a variety of ways. The most obvious are “active,” with the user directly
and consciously communicating information to Google, as for example by signing in to any of its widely used
applications such as YouTube, Gmail, Search etc. Less obvious ways for Google to collect data are “passive”
means, whereby an application is instrumented to gather information while it’s running, possibly without the
user’s knowledge. Google’s passive data gathering methods arise from platforms (e.g. Android and Chrome),
applications (e.g. Search, YouTube, Maps), publisher tools (e.g. Google Analytics, AdSense) and advertiser tools
(e.g. AdMob, AdWords). The extent and magnitude of Google’s passive data collection has largely been
overlooked by past studies on this topic.6"

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Google Data Collection
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2018, 07:10:13 am »
Yes. I've read a story about a journo who put his Android phone in Airplane mode (which is supposed to completely disable wifi and cell data.) It DOES. But he traveled around with the phone in that mode for several hours. Then he turned the phone back on, after having an engineer set up a black box proxy that would intercept data traffic between the phone and the outside world. The phone basically dumped out extremely detailed information about every since location he visited when the phone was "silent". The phone accumulates data even when in Airplane mode.

The only solution to that issue is to turn the phone off or put it in a Faraday cage.
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Re: Google Data Collection
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2018, 10:25:49 am »
Yes. I've read a story about a journo who put his Android phone in Airplane mode (which is supposed to completely disable wifi and cell data.) It DOES. But he traveled around with the phone in that mode for several hours. Then he turned the phone back on, after having an engineer set up a black box proxy that would intercept data traffic between the phone and the outside world. The phone basically dumped out extremely detailed information about every since location he visited when the phone was "silent". The phone accumulates data even when in Airplane mode.

The only solution to that issue is to turn the phone off or put it in a Faraday cage.

Scary stuff. I have seen those bags to block signals.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Google Data Collection
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2018, 10:50:36 am »
I'll take a contrarian position.

Google provides an incredibly useful suite of functions.

I started using the Calendar app and desktop screen for tracking personal appointments and phone calls. It really helps me stay on top of things.

The mapping is scary in one way because it's so intrusive BUT it's incredibly handy to have the phone app guess that I want return home directions and driving time and distance estimates from the maps app.

Plus other stuff - Gmail, Google Apps, Drive, etc.

All they want in return is to crawl up your sphincter and examine everything you ate that day.  :-X >:D

Seriously, it would be a royal pain to do without Google's overall capabilities. Their spying is easy to defeat with a VPN.

Overall, their tracking is mainly for consumer big data insight.
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Re: Google Data Collection
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2018, 02:12:17 pm »
We lost our privacy long ago and we're not getting it back, ever.  If you want to use Google apps, your privacy is the price.  Other companies do the same thing.

Google does have some good apps, but I don't really use them.  I like their browser though.  I don't like how deceptive they are with their technology.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Google Data Collection
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2018, 03:31:00 pm »
Devil's advocate again: I've always felt that any data provider can and will surveil any data of mine that passes through their hands.

I've felt this about all paid providers, including the phone company and the cable company. So why would Google do any differently?
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Re: Google Data Collection
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2018, 04:54:36 pm »
Yes. I've read a story about a journo who put his Android phone in Airplane mode (which is supposed to completely disable wifi and cell data.) It DOES. But he traveled around with the phone in that mode for several hours. Then he turned the phone back on, after having an engineer set up a black box proxy that would intercept data traffic between the phone and the outside world. The phone basically dumped out extremely detailed information about every since location he visited when the phone was "silent". The phone accumulates data even when in Airplane mode.

The only solution to that issue is to turn the phone off or put it in a Faraday cage.

Interesting. That does not surprise me.

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Re: Google Data Collection
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2018, 03:43:57 pm »
I can see using software tools to monitor posts for violence or profanity, but not content.  That's censorship and it looks like that is what's happening with our social media platforms now.