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Author Topic: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*  (Read 285 times)


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In the last week I endured a forced upgrade from Win7 to Win10 at my client. The PC support people spent 3 days jerking off with my laptop and I finally got it back today. For the last 3 days I have been dead in the water while my client is having a nervous breakdown about the projects.

That being said I have to ask Microshaft -what the F*CK were they thinking about with WinBLOZE 10? It seriously SUCKS. Lets start off:

-They moved all the settings and controls around. Why? Who the hell knows. You have to dig through panel after panel to find stuff. And stuff doesnt do what it appears to do.

-The whole flat interface seriously SUCKS. Readability? GONE. Legibility? GONE. Intuitiveness? GONE.

-EVERYTHING IS WHITE and BLUE. This may be able to be changed but I dont have time right now.

-The tile thing is STUPID. What genius thought that up.

-The stick figure icons that look like a 3rd grader drew them. A lot of the time you look at them and have NO IDEA what they are supposed to mean.

-IT IS SLUGGISH. I heard stories that it was faster than Win7. My PC is only about a year old and has 32GB of RAM. ITS A PIG. Slow to start, slow to shut down and slow to open apps. On a one year old computer it should be fairly fast.

-OneDrive - you are supposed to keep all your files on OneDrive so they are backed up automatically. One word - SLUGGISH. Every single app tries to sync itself constantly with the copies sitting out on the network.  Basically your PC has become for all intents and purposes a diskless workstation. Do people remember those ? You basically had a Unix desktop computer with no hard disk - the machine had a CPU and memory but thats it. It would boot up off the network via a server. It would boot up, though the OS was running on your machine all your files were kept on a server somewhere. SLOW, SLOW, SLOW. 

-Massive surveillance. I have no idea how many piece of security software are installed to protect the computer. At last count there is FIVE. And Win10 is supposed to be more secure. I have to laugh at this.

This guy sums it far better than I can:

I will NEVER upgrade my home computers to Win10. EVER.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2018, 04:53:46 pm »
When my wife's last computer with Windows 7 blew up on her in June, I reluctantly OKed the purchase of a replacement - a refurbished HP business class small desktop with Windows 10. My attitude was that this change is inevitable and Windows 7 at some point won't work well with then-current products. And her PC is less "mission critical" than mine. (She Facebooks, does a few games, and uses email, and that's 90% of her use.)

The new OS was utterly disorienting to me. Everything is still there but the terminology and procedures have changed radically. Some applications, such as open source stuff, meets new resistance from the OS in installing it.

I sympathize heartily if you have the typical suite of cloud apps and other stuff on your laptop. It has to be a nightmare.
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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2018, 05:51:08 pm »
When my wife's last computer with Windows 7 blew up on her in June, I reluctantly OKed the purchase of a replacement - a refurbished HP business class small desktop with Windows 10. My attitude was that this change is inevitable and Windows 7 at some point won't work well with then-current products. And her PC is less "mission critical" than mine. (She Facebooks, does a few games, and uses email, and that's 90% of her use.)

The new OS was utterly disorienting to me. Everything is still there but the terminology and procedures have changed radically. Some applications, such as open source stuff, meets new resistance from the OS in installing it.

I sympathize heartily if you have the typical suite of cloud apps and other stuff on your laptop. It has to be a nightmare.

Everything is OneDrive centric. OneDrive is basically like Google Drive or iCloud though far, far less intuitive. Every single app has a built in hook into OneDrive. The whole concept is that you keep NOTHING on your local computer. Everything is in the cloud, but what happens when you don't want your stuff in the cloud? I can't seem to turn if off. You can't see your C drive - just My Documents.

Regardless every time you start an application its looking to hook to OneDrive. So the apps are very sluggish to start because its going across the network. I think my client vastly underestimated the amount of network traffic they are going to now incur as EVERYONE will be doing it. Not everyone is on it yet and its going to be really bad once everyone is. I don't think their network can take it.

I spent the whole day trying to get it to the point where I can use it for work. Like most IT people I like my compute set up a certain way. In my case I don't like a lot of crap. I want the computer to be lean and mean - nothing there that doesn't need to be there. I come from the Unix school where you keep your fluff to a minimum. Win10 seems to have tons and tons of shit everywhere. Its total information overload. I don't need transparent windows and fancy effects when windows open/close. I turn all that crap off. Hell the freakin OS would not even recognize my Logitech touch pad.

Frankly I am traumatized. I will NEVER migrate my home stuff to Win10. Its going to stay on Win7/Kubuntu and of course my Mac.

Here is a sample of Win10 icons. They look exactly like this:

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2018, 06:39:52 pm »
You know what that graphic looks like to me? It looks like a cheap "library" of icons for web design.

I see some merit in the new flat design aesthetic that's been around for about five years now. It's less fussy than worrying about consistent 3D effects. 3D effects meant that you have to then worry about every element on the page having a consistent "fictional light source" creating the rounded edges.

Mainly though, flat icons are a phone/mobile thing and Windows desktop is being driven to looking like a handheld device GUI.
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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2018, 02:30:27 am »
Yeah they look like shit. Understood about the 3d icons. Personally I like the 3d eye candy ;) .

Another comparison:

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2018, 07:56:44 am »
Actually, the Windows 7 style on the left is a HUGE moderation of the 3D fetish that Windows had back in the 1990s. In the 1990s Windows 3 and then Windows 95 had these big rounded grey buttons. I read that the OS had to spend a huge amount of time processing these shaded and 3D effects for display.

I think this Win7 look is the peak of aesthetics for Windows controls and common icons. It has some color and variety without being overdone.

The ones on the right look like shit, as though the user is a human cyborg. And I bet something better will take their place in the next 5 years.
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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2018, 10:44:01 am »
Actually, the Windows 7 style on the left is a HUGE moderation of the 3D fetish that Windows had back in the 1990s. In the 1990s Windows 3 and then Windows 95 had these big rounded grey buttons. I read that the OS had to spend a huge amount of time processing these shaded and 3D effects for display.

I think this Win7 look is the peak of aesthetics for Windows controls and common icons. It has some color and variety without being overdone.

The ones on the right look like shit, as though the user is a human cyborg. And I bet something better will take their place in the next 5 years.

They do look like shit and thats being nice. They look like a kinder-gardener was asked to draw icons.


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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2018, 07:30:10 pm »
what a piece of.

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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2018, 08:27:49 pm »
Ha-Ha-Ha I thought I was the only one that felt that way.

First why is it so slow? Why can't I find anything? (rhetorical questions from a guy that still runs XP. ;)

With that aside, I'm guessing that work forced you to upgrade?

The deal with OneDrive was the customers choice? God, it sounds like we are going back to the mainframe and mini days. Does anyone run "off" the network? Like highly secure or at least you have an internal network but no outside connection? I'm thinking like a utility or hospital? They might have outside access but it's highly controlled?

I remember the whole OneDrive kind of setup that you describe and it totally sucks. When everyone turns on their computer at the same time in the morning, you have lots of time for coffee and donuts. And when the network goes down, you are dead in the water.

When MS said Windows 10 will be the last Windows you'll ever need, they failed to tell you their plans for post Win 10.


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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2018, 07:27:23 pm »
Ha-Ha-Ha I thought I was the only one that felt that way.

First why is it so slow? Why can't I find anything? (rhetorical questions from a guy that still runs XP. ;)

With that aside, I'm guessing that work forced you to upgrade?

The deal with OneDrive was the customers choice? God, it sounds like we are going back to the mainframe and mini days. Does anyone run "off" the network? Like highly secure or at least you have an internal network but no outside connection? I'm thinking like a utility or hospital? They might have outside access but it's highly controlled?

I remember the whole OneDrive kind of setup that you describe and it totally sucks. When everyone turns on their computer at the same time in the morning, you have lots of time for coffee and donuts. And when the network goes down, you are dead in the water.

When MS said Windows 10 will be the last Windows you'll ever need, they failed to tell you their plans for post Win 10.

It is so freaking slow. Every single application takes an eternity to open because its syncing with OneDrive. OneDrive should be called OneTurd.

My client suffered a major cyber attack last summer. BILLIONS in damage. We were down and out for months. Now some brainiac decided - hey lets put EVERYTHING in Microshaft's cloud. GOOD JOB MORON. Microshaft must have promised them the world as they have gone whole hog into their stuff - Win10, OneDrive, Office365. They have made huge costly mistakes like this before.

Apparently with Win10 even on the home editions Microshaft wants you to put all your documents in their cloud by default. And in a business environment they have basically mapped My Documents to Onedrive. NOTHING is on the local computer. In the dam file explorer I have yet to figure out how to see the C drive. Its just not there. Its there if you go to the command prompt but not in the file explorer.

OneDrive is very sluggish. I can't wait till 5000 employees and contractors all hit at the same time. OneDrive is basically a step back in time to diskless workstations. And yes we have access to the outside internet.

Frankly I never understood what the deal was with Microshafts network drives - they have always SUCKED. I remember the permissions problems with sharing a folder years ago. It was a nightmare to figure out. Than the rammed Sharepoint down everyone's throat and that sucked too. Now Onedrive is basically Sharepoint on steroids. NFS on Unix predates all this stuff and is far easier to understand and use. Its basic, how hard can this be but Microshaft has NEVER been good at it.

Whomever told them to do this should be FIRED. I would have thought after last summer's debacle they would have REDUCED their exposure to Microshaft but oh no - they have gone deeper into it. They will be sorry.


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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2018, 08:19:22 pm »
It boggles my mind why they would go down that path. Either a great sales pitch or someone that lacks experience.

As for permissions, UNIX was easy to figure out while Windows was always a nightmare. At one point it almost made sense and then I wondered why is this so complicated?

As for having an outside Internet connection, it's just assumed today but I recall not that long ago, you had to be a very special person to get access at some clients. I know some companies that block certain services today but with modern phones, people don't need the company anymore if they have good data plans.


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Re: F*CK WinBLOZE 10 and The Horse It Rode In - Microshaft Can Eat My As*
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2018, 04:43:04 pm »

They moved all the settings and controls around. Why? Who the hell knows. You have to dig through panel after panel to find stuff. And stuff doesnt do what it appears to do

I felt my IQ drop by the hour as I reconfigured Win10 to look kind of like Win7, which can be done but why oh why did they hide the obvious sheet? It's  as if it was handed to some team that worked hard to obfuscate things as much as possible.

I think it took me a week or something to get it semi-usable.

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.