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Author Topic: Was Bear Market in Stocks Engineered by Opponents of Donald Trump?  (Read 212 times)


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When I looked at stock market charts, here's what I see:

   S&P 500                     down   9.4%    since September 23
   Dow Jones Industrials  down   8.4%    since October 3
   Dow Jones Transports  down 14.5%    since September 16
   Dow Jones Utilities        UP     1.2%    since August 19     (see note below)
   Nasdaq                       down 12  %    since October 1
   New York Stock Exch   down   9.7%    since September 23
   Russell 2000 index      down 15   %    since September 1

It's pretty common for the Dow Jones Utilities to go up at the same time
the other two Dow Jones indexes go down.  Many stockholders view the
Dow Jones Utilities as a "risk off" (i.e., safety) option when they expect
most of the stock market to go down.  It often works – but only if the
rest of the stock market doesn't go too far down.

It may sound a bit like a conspiracy theory for me to say this, but I'll say it:
For several months, I have suspected that the Federal Reserve and other
opponents of Donald Trump might engineer a bear market in stocks
– just before the mid-term elections – in hopes of convincing people to
vote democratic and reduce his power and his ability to get anything done.

It's anyones guess how successful the attempt will be, but when you consider
that Trump has based much of his legitimacy on the stock market going up,
a falling stock market at this particular time might change enough minds
to affect the outcome of the mid-term elections.


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Re: Was Bear Market in Stocks Engineered by Opponents of Donald Trump?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2018, 03:23:45 pm »
I don't think its a conspiracy theory at all Arnold.  The Fed raised interest rates again at the end of Sept. to cool down the economy, supposedly to prevent inflation.  The timing is curious to me.

October is always a precarious month for stocks because of uncertainty about the direction of the country and 3rd quarter numbers relating to the economy.  The economy is doing very well, we have jobs and lower taxes.  Everyday people are doing better because of P. Trump and that means more than the stock market ups and downs.  It'll go up if Republicans win the elections, IMO. 


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Re: Was Bear Market in Stocks Engineered by Opponents of Donald Trump?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2018, 03:43:13 pm »
t may sound a bit like a conspiracy theory for me to say this, but I'll say it:
For several months, I have suspected that the Federal Reserve and other
opponents of Donald Trump might engineer a bear market in stocks
– just before the mid-term elections – in hopes of convincing people to
vote democratic and reduce his power and his ability to get anything done.

I agree and it has been done multiple times, e.g. the 1992 election, they crashed the economy to sink Bush 1 and (s)elect Clinton.

The fed is the most powerful institution in the country, not elected (appointed) and can make / break anyone. They are the real power behind the scenes.
the president is just a minor figure in comparison.
They all answer to the Fed.

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Re: Was Bear Market in Stocks Engineered by Opponents of Donald Trump?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2018, 04:40:41 pm »
There is a conspiracy theory that several US presidents who were assassinated  or had assassination attempts against them - Jackson, Lincoln, McKinley, and Kennedy - all stood in some way against the Fed and openly questioned the Federal Reserve's power. (Jackson wasn't assassinated but an attempted shooting occurred in 1835.)

Trump's doing the same now...
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Re: Was Bear Market in Stocks Engineered by Opponents of Donald Trump?
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2018, 07:06:22 pm »
Ironically I interviewed at the Federal Reserve here in NJ. Besides being in NYC, they have a giant data center in Secaucus. They had great salary and benefits. It was so good that it made regular govmt employees blush. I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement about everything I saw while I was there.

Its a very strange organization - not quite a govmt entity, not quite private. Frankly I have to wonder what dumbass hands over the country's bank to a bunch of private banks.

The Fed has caused every depression and recession going back to its founding. They popped the dot com and they popped the real estate bubble. It would not surprise me in the least if they pop this as well.

I strongly recommend this book if you are interested in the Fed:


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Re: Was Bear Market in Stocks Engineered by Opponents of Donald Trump?
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2018, 01:20:36 pm »
That looks like a very interesting book.  The Fed has always been a shadowy organization.  It disturbs me that they have so much power with little, if any, oversight.  When Rand Paul suggested auditing the Fed he was spot on.


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How the Federal Reserve actually works
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2018, 04:13:43 pm »
In case you haven't seen it before, here's a very good video on how the Federal Reserve actually works.

In addition, I recommend watching all the other videos in that collection.


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Re: Was Bear Market in Stocks Engineered by Opponents of Donald Trump?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2018, 07:33:57 pm »

haven't visited that page yet but can pretty much guess what it talks about.

and it's 'right on the money'


The fed is the most powerful institution in the world today and supersedes all other branches of gov.
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.