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Author Topic: What do you think of these search results?  (Read 259 times)


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What do you think of these search results?
« on: October 09, 2018, 04:31:51 pm »
I was thinking about my friend from years ago today.  He was into the Constitution and hated Democrats.  It was 13 years ago and at the time, I thought Dems and Repubs could work together.  He posted this on Techrepublic 13 years ago.

Here is the result from Google.  There is no trace of his post. :

Here is the result from Duckduckgo:

This is my friend's post
"I Hate Democrats
By maxwell edison · 13 years ago
Okay, I got your attention.

And to all Democrats:

Get out of my life.

Stop trying to take my personal property.

Stop trying to infringe on my RIGHT to take personal responsibility.

Stop presuming that you know what's better for me than me.

Stop telling me how to live.

Stop telling me how to define my moral values.

Stop telling me how to plan for my own future.

Stop telling me how to raise my kids.

Stop telling me how to educate my kids.

Stop taking my hard-earned income.

Stop trying to take care of my own health.

Stop telling me how to run my own business.

Stop telling me how to live.


I'll make a deal with you. You leave me the **** alone, and I'll leave you the **** alone."
Google has purged anything negative about Democrats, as if we can't see it in real life.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 08:29:37 pm by The Gorn »

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: What do you think of these search results?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2018, 08:25:38 pm »
A few thoughts:
DuckDuckGo just impressed the hell out of me with this example. This basically says that if you don't find a result in Google, it isn't necessarily non-existent.

Jo, do you know what search provider feeds DuckDuckGo? They aren't large enough or have enough money to do their own spidering and search engine.

To the question of this being partisan political, I'm of the mind that a technology giant with an explicitly stated agenda (sic: support all that is left, tear down all that is right) who is distorting reality in small but significant ways is a threat to society.

In other words, don't be a pussy when something disagreeable is said even if from a perspective you don't like. Truth is truth and this is truth.
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Re: What do you think of these search results?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2018, 08:31:10 pm »
Here's the answer to my question. The short answer is, DuckDuckGo has many sources and does stuff with them.

I LIKE that. A search engine that doesn't allow results to be gamed for the vendor's own agenda.
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Here's the "you ain't seen nuthin' yet" version!
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2018, 08:32:48 pm »
I found this cited on one Youtuber's channel I follow:

An internal company briefing produced by Google and leaked exclusively to Breitbart News argues that due to a variety of factors, including the election of President Trump, the “American tradition” of free speech on the internet is no longer viable.

Despite leaked video footage showing top executives declaring their intention to ensure that the rise of Trump and the populist movement is just a “blip” in history, Google has repeatedly denied that the political bias of its employees filter into its products.

But the 85-page briefing, titled “The Good Censor,” admits that Google and other tech platforms now “control the majority of online conversations” and have undertaken a “shift towards censorship” in response to unwelcome political events around the world.

Your leading post was timed impeccably...
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 09:30:39 pm by The Gorn »
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Re: What do you think of these search results?
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2018, 03:16:33 pm »
Google seriously altered their search engine.  I was always able to pull up that thread from TechRepublic at least 4 years ago, on Google.  I bet DuckDuckGo probably pulls from a lot of different search engines, but I don't know which ones.  Maybe its like Web ferret.  Years ago they even used to show you what search results came from what search engine.  I'm not sure what it does now, but I'm going to try it again.

I never planned on testing Google, I just remembered that post he made and went to look for it on a lark.  He passed away 4 years ago, but was right about so many things.

Anyway, I think now is the time to find other search options to Google.  Did Google get the China search engine mixed up with ours?

Years ago, we had competition in the search engine area, like  AltaVista, Dogpile or Webferret, but no one was "king of the hill" like Google is now.   Its time to move away from them, IMO.  Who wants filtered information because they think its right?


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Re: What do you think of these search results?
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2018, 06:42:02 am »
I agree. It is politics to the Nth degree.
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Google games search results with personalized data
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2018, 07:36:46 am »
This video has a good explanation of how DuckDuckGo sources its search results. Also some extremely good critique of how Google f*cks with the search results so that its own agenda driven material crowds the top of the page and the somewhat more legitimate results are pushed downward.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

One other key point to this, besides the political suppression, is: Google's search results are HIGHLY (and I mean highly) customized for every single user. What they do is apparently rank your own search results by whatever content you've searched for or viewed in the recent past. I experience this regularly and it's quite evident when I use DuckDuckGo to compare the results to. Because Google has watched me view my own sites many times in the recent past.

For instance, suppose I am curious how my own business website is ranking with certain keywords. I will absolutely see much more favorable results for  links or URLs that I publish when I log in - compared to a non logged in browser on a VPN connection - which makes me anonymous to Google. Because I have visited my own sites many times in any given time period (to edit and test them.)

Basically if I want to see if I am fucking up my own search keywords on my own website, I must jump through some hoops to render my own searches to be anonymous as far as Google's concerned. So that I can see what an anonymous visitor is likely to see on search.

Of course, Google does this gaming of personalized search results in order to pander to users. If you're liberal green, or if you're Pepe alt-right, Google has watched your recent page visits and it will bias that kind of results upward. Google has basically made search "social". For political searches, this results in an echo chamber effect. You tend to see stuff that is aligned with your own past viewing habits - no new or surprising information.

For non political results you see increasingly stale and predictable results.

Google has gone well beyond search results and today is sort of a "social search" provider.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 07:51:05 am by The Gorn »
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Re: What do you think of these search results?
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2018, 06:33:19 pm »
this is really creepy as hell.

and we are in 2018.

imagine where we will be in the year 2038.

your fridge uploading the data about your food consumption to the cloud so anyone can access it.
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.