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Author Topic: Unmanageable files (pictures) mess  (Read 156 times)


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Unmanageable files (pictures) mess
« on: December 13, 2018, 01:24:34 pm »
I have two cameras and little ActiveOn video device that can take pictures (similar to GoPro but cheaper). Both my gf and I have cellphones that have camera. I saved all pictures from these devices onto my laptop. I also saved pictures that family sent via SMS message.  So I was trying to be smart by consolidating them all into one big folder on PC. is horrible. I have duplicated pictures. I also have same file names from different cameras and phones. I gave up and kept them in their own folders even though there are duplicates.

If a camera calls a file img_1 and another camera also has img_1, I have to take a look to see if they are different files. Otherwise, you will miss a picture or overwrite a picture in the same folder. I wish there is a simpler way to consolidate these. Why on earth camera manufactures don't keep filename distinct from other brands. Do they need to use blockchain for this??? lol

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Unmanageable files (pictures) mess
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2018, 01:42:13 pm »
Do they need to use blockchain for this??? lol

That's a geek quip if I ever read one. :) No normie could possibly know what you're talking about, which is great.

The Android camera app sort of solves the problem by creating a file name based on time stamp down to the thousandths of a second.

There are many duplicate file finder apps around for all the major platforms - Android, Win, Linux, Mac (ugh.)

As far as the several devices duplicating their file name - if you have the opportunity to do this merge step over, I might add a prefix or suffix to each file's name indicating the origin of that file. IOW carve the files up into their own name spaces.

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Re: Unmanageable files (pictures) mess
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2018, 03:05:50 pm »
I think you should just save them in two different folders if you can't find a way to alter the file names with the merge.  What a dilemma.


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Re: Unmanageable files (pictures) mess
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2018, 06:12:03 am »
That can get hairy to do which is why I let the apps manage the names now. I gave up after trying to deal with this. Now I import everything to either my iPhone or Mac and let it deal with it.