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Author Topic: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop  (Read 1164 times)


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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2018, 04:22:18 am »
Wow, thats a shit ton of irritations. I wonder if its because of XFCE? I have Ubuntu and have none of this and I use it a lot. I don't have these problems, I have other stuff ;) .

Granted about the only things I really do at home is play on the web (trolling, starting fights, etc.... LOL) - watching videos on how to do things (no porn), email and the occasional coding of something I need.

What brand of hardware are you running this on? I am wondering if some of this is related to the generic drivers.

I have my Ubuntu running on an HP. Its been ok but I have thought about getting a new laptop as I would like a bigger touchpad. I have read repeatedly that the gold standard for Linux hardware is Thinkpads. I have a Thinkpad for work and it just works.

Linux on the whole is very stable however the GUI is eh. As you said data operations blow Windows away and its fast but the GUI can use cleaning. The biggest irritation with Linux is the dorks keep reinventing the wheel. They seem to get into these pissing wars about ABC and the next thing you know they are forking the code and creating a new version of whatever is. I have seen them doing this over and over and over.

There are I don't know how many GUI variants and a lot of them are absolute crap. None are as good as Windows 7, however Windows 10 is absolute shit. I use a Mac a lot and am used to it but there is a substantial difference between the Mac gui and Windows.

My thing is I just want it to work, I can adjust to whatever it is but don't make me mess with it just to use it.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2018, 07:59:13 am »
^ Spot on, ilconsigliere.

Do this:

Open a shell and enter this command:

wmctrl -m

Post here what it reports.  That'll give the window manager in use.

My system reports in the first two lines (I don't care about your PID):

Name: Xfwm4
Class: xfwm4

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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2018, 08:36:51 pm »
On my Ubuntu system this is what I get:


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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2018, 08:37:51 pm »
Thanks. I'll try that Unity, whatever that is.
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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2018, 02:08:00 pm »
control and home, I still don't get exactly what these shortcuts are supposed to be doing..
All in all, all linux based systems are kind of user friendly with all the aliases you can set and the cron jobs and the shortcuts and text processing.. but at times they fail abysmally.
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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2018, 02:20:15 pm »
Thanks. I'll try that Unity, whatever that is.

Don't bother with Unity.   That was Ubuntu's attempt at an all in one interface that would work for telephones, computers etc.    It is going to be discontinued as Canonical has already announced.

You would be much better off with Mint and either Mate or Cinnamon.


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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2018, 03:23:04 pm »
Thanks. I'll try that Unity, whatever that is.

Don't bother with Unity.   That was Ubuntu's attempt at an all in one interface that would work for telephones, computers etc.    It is going to be discontinued as Canonical has already announced.

You would be much better off with Mint and either Mate or Cinnamon.

I agree, don't bother with Unity. i read recently that Ubuntu is abandoning Unity. Hey they only threw 5+ years of GUI development away  >:D - for Linux what else is new. Pushing everyone to some technology than abandoning it. GOOD JOB!

If I was going to install now I would do either

Xubuntu which is Ubuntu with the XFCE environment or

Kbuntu with the KDE environment.

KDE is more resource intensive than XFCE but neither is as retarded Gnome. I experimented with a bunch of Linux's before I decided to use Ubuntu. I had done SUSE and Redhat. in the corporate environment I think Redhat is the most common. I wanted a Linux that was super common that had a lot of users because when you run into problems someone has experienced it before.

But as typical with Linux, Ubuntu screwed all their users of Ubuntu with the Unity interface in one fell swoop. I should have known better because as I mentioned earlier Linux likes to reinvent the wheel. OVER AND OVER AND OVER. 


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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2018, 07:46:26 pm »
I don't think I'd chose Unity either. Canonical is going to discontinue it, and when it was first introduced it drove a WAVE of users to Mint and other products. Unity resulted in the current popularity of Ubuntu with different UIs like Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and Ubuntu MATE.

The biggest irritation with Linux is the dorks keep reinventing the wheel. They seem to get into these pissing wars about ABC and the next thing you know they are forking the code and creating a new version of whatever is. I have seen them doing this over and over and over.

Yep, absolutely!  I wish there was some UI developer team that emphasized stability and slow evolution forward, instead of always lurching into different "improvements" on a whim.


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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2018, 10:05:17 pm »
You know what I'd do if I was a biliionaire?

I'd set up a permanent organization that would develop and maintain a product called Stability Linux.

SL would be geared towards laptops and desktops only -- no stupid attempt to cover every size device with one OS and UI.

It would only introduce changes as needed to keep up with technology -- no stupid UI changes for the sake of change, or to please aspie techies who think a feature's "cool".  Any new features would be user-driven, not techie driven.

Since new features would be added only as actually needed, SL would hammer on bugs. The goal would be to be as bug free as possible when you really try to do that (which almost no popular OS attempts).

And it would be documented like crazy, so people could actually use it as a stable base for their projects.


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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2018, 07:56:03 am »
You know what I'd do if I was a biliionaire?

I'd set up a permanent organization that would develop and maintain a product called Stability Linux.

SL would be geared towards laptops and desktops only -- no stupid attempt to cover every size device with one OS and UI.

It would only introduce changes as needed to keep up with technology -- no stupid UI changes for the sake of change, or to please aspie techies who think a feature's "cool".  Any new features would be user-driven, not techie driven.

Since new features would be added only as actually needed, SL would hammer on bugs. The goal would be to be as bug free as possible when you really try to do that (which almost no popular OS attempts).

And it would be documented like crazy, so people could actually use it as a stable base for their projects.

HMMMM.  Sure sounds a lot like Linux Mint!

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Ongoing and Never Ending Travails of Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2018, 08:14:27 am »
You know what I'd do if I was a biliionaire?

I'd set up a permanent organization that would develop and maintain a product called ...

Ubuntu is essentially owned by a billionaire so the description almost fits. I read that the company Canonical isn't even profitable today.

Why no pragmatism? I suspect that the arms race attitude about porking up the UIs is aimed at an idea of profitability and feeling that they must compete.
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One nuisance perhaps cured: Firefox on Mint now flies
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2018, 08:19:41 am »
A persisting irritation since I adopted Linux for my desktop was the quirky behavior of FF. Visiting certain websites apparently caused Firefox to stall internally. Every so many seconds I would see the CPU meter tick up, and FF would be non responsive for several seconds until it did whatever before responding to a mouse command. I wound up moving my password list to Chromium just to have something reasonably fast to work with website design tools.

I think this was FF version 56.

I just blanket updated my system with apt-get and Firefox was upgraded to version 58. These stalling issues seem to have gone away. For now.
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SCRATCH THAT - again the open source morons f*cked things up
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2018, 08:25:45 am »
This effing piece of sh*t makes almost all of the useful Firefox extensions disabled and doesn't support them at all.

I rely on Scrapbook for everything - work, clients and personal uses. They NUKED it. There is NO replacement except "One Note Web Clipper".

A replacement called ScrapbookQ doesn't even work.

Plus I have crashed this new Firefox several times (once while posting this thread just by clicking the "Help | About Firefox" menu.

I'm going to go to something like Palemoon. This is CRAP!

Stupid baby assed change-infatuated pure shit open source programmers. Losers.
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Coping with stupid Firefox version changes
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2018, 08:46:29 pm »
I did the following:

Removed Firefox "Quantum", the POS that isn't compatible with the plugins that are my main and only reason for dealing with FF to begin with.

I found legacy versions of Firefox called ESR versions. I had to add another repository to apt that contains this stuff.

I installed Firefox 52 ESR.

I recovered a recent copy of my Firefox profile directory from a backup and restored it to my desktop, to the FF profiles folder.

This ESR version accepts those "bad" old plugins and extensions.

For now it's OK. A lot of sites complain that my browser is obsolete now, though.

I tried using Pale Moon which is based on Firefox's code base, but they have their own ideology about how the app should work, including barring Google as a search provider by default. Very aggravating running into preachniks every time I wanna do something.

There are several Firefox based alternative browsers. Sometime soon I need to investigate which one is best for my needs.

Scrapbook is my power tool for the web. I must have it. Screw the FOSS idiots who removed its compatibility. Morons.
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"Pale Moon" appears to be a solid plug compatible replacement for Firefox
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2018, 07:03:37 pm »
Firefox on Linux has become HORRIBLY memory-intensive (it leaks a ton of memory over time, swear to God) and SLOW with continuous delays and stalls.

Even the Firefox ESR version 52 had really bad performance.

I installed the current release of Pale Moon, a Firefox-Mozilla code base port. Essentially Pale Moon is supposed to be a compatible replacement for Firefox.

I tested that premise. I copied the contents of the Firefox "profile" directory which contains all history, bookmarks, login info, cookies, plugins, etc. - to Pale Moon's profile folder.

Pale Moon took a few seconds to analyze the stuff. A FEW plugins such as Adblock Plus were not available. But my beloved Scrapbook page-archiving tool was. But essentially, all of my settings and browser stuff came over with no problems - all user/password logins, history, etc.

(There is a counterpart to Adblock+ in the Pale Moon plugin directory and it works just like Adblock. I'm not seeing ads.)

Pale Moon looks like Firefox from five years ago with a few anachronistic UI elements. The preferences dialog is a dialog box, not a browser tab. A few other things. There are a VERY few small glitches. Very minor. Such as some preferences dialog settings that don't take. I wind up going to about:config and setting things manually. No big deal.

But it's faster than SHIT and I am HAPPY with Pale Moon's speed. And no stalls. And no huge memory leaks (after using Firefox for several hours my system is reporting as much memory in use as if  I launched a Windows 7 virtual machine, which is stupid for a one minor application.)

Pale Moon is as fast as Chromium which I would REALLY prefer to not use continuously since Chromium is hooked into the Google code ecosystem.

For some reason a while back I had problems getting comfortable with Pale Moon in Windows. Now, this is what I need to use in Linux.
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