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Author Topic: Poorly-paid neighbor  (Read 1017 times)


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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2018, 07:15:39 pm »
I have been reading a lot of self-help motivational stuff.

I've come to realize that parental influence is highly important. They program you for the rest of your life and you cannot escape that programming. Or very difficult.

We all need  psychologists. /sigh
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I D Shukhov

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2018, 05:51:56 am »

I used to see this poster on the walls at work.  Suppose there's truth to it:

This is more to the point than your marcomm motivational poster. This is 100% true:

Sorry I got this started.  This should finish off the thread:

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2018, 06:00:46 am »

The altitude poster does apply to me, however. And to others I know.

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2018, 02:14:02 pm »
Supermarkets might not pay great, but they offer great benefits to make up for it.  I see older men and women working as check-out clerks at one of the supermarkets I frequent.  I once worked at a supermarket early in my life and you can get a lot of benefits from them even though the pay stinks.  You have to do what you have to do to support your life.

The job market is improving, but it doesn't mean that old people will get a slice of the pie.  We have to change this, I think.
He told my wife that they are keeping his hours just below the level at which he would get benefits.

That was one of the problems with the ACA.  I think its still in effect, too.  I never liked any of those "motivational" posters.  I always saw them as reminders that if you can't achieve, you're out.


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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2018, 10:31:18 am »
Well that was uplifting (NOT).

To stay relevant in today's world requires effort. If you are not willing to make that effort than you are toast particularly in IT.

I have retooled myself multiple times already, you need to do what you got to do.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2018, 11:24:26 am »
Well that was uplifting (NOT).

To stay relevant in today's world requires effort. If you are not willing to make that effort than you are toast particularly in IT.

I have retooled myself multiple times already, you need to do what you got to do.

LOL. It totally had to be said.

To have a decent life today, unless you fall outside highly lucrative tranches like law or Google software engineer, you pretty much need to design your life.

Is anyone else getting that idea? I sure am.
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I D Shukhov

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2018, 12:58:47 pm »
Well that was uplifting (NOT).

To stay relevant in today's world requires effort. If you are not willing to make that effort than you are toast particularly in IT.

I have retooled myself multiple times already, you need to do what you got to do.

LOL. It totally had to be said.

To have a decent life today, unless you fall outside highly lucrative tranches like law or Google software engineer, you pretty much need to design your life.

Is anyone else getting that idea? I sure am.
Regarding law:  I know of four lawyers who think IT has better prospects.  Two were female system engineers at the big company I used to work for.  Not sure if they are still working there.  Another lawyer got laid off the same time I did and I passed him during HR exit processing the same day.  He had gotten a Certified Java Programmer cert and I was kind of impressed because that's hard.  Unfortunately, he had his age working against him.  I think he was in his fifties.  Another guy went the reverse way.  He was a system engineer and was studying law as a way out of IT.  He showed me his text book one day and I thought you have to have damn good reading comprehension to grok all of that.  He eventually got his law degree but apparently couldn't make a go of it because I see on his LinkedIn profile he's back working as an system engineer at a big contracting company.

The grass is always greener.
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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2018, 01:46:45 pm »
I.D you are correct about the law.   Very few law graduates actually make it in the legal field.   They are the top graduates of the top law schools.   The rest usually fall into the swarm.   My neighbor's son graduated from well known California law school, passed the bar exams and couldn't get a job to save his ass.   Last I heard he was working as a clerk in a drug store.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2018, 01:51:08 pm »
Parsing a point to death misses the real point being made by a country mile!!!


The grass IS often greener. A high school classmate got his law degree several years after I graduated and went to work in Silicon Valley for a year, and he is now the senior counsel for a major IT infrastructure provider (a spinoff of NCR.)

Your mileage will vary.

In some fields and some circumstances, my entire point was that life can and does fall before you in a fairly satisfying upward path.

For us NOT.



You can always pick someone who entered a good field and made really shitty strategic decisions. So they're kind of like us!


Do you disagree with that point or should we continue to debate stupid shit and pick people who almost went out of their way to choose failure? (speaking to ID)
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I D Shukhov

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2018, 03:12:15 pm »
I actually don't think I was debating anything since I think it's self-evident that people have to design their lives. I thought my data points about lawyers and IT might interest a few people.

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Re: Poorly-paid neighbor
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2018, 10:33:30 am »
Parsing a point to death misses the real point being made by a country mile!!!


The grass IS often greener. A high school classmate got his law degree several years after I graduated and went to work in Silicon Valley for a year, and he is now the senior counsel for a major IT infrastructure provider (a spinoff of NCR.)

Your mileage will vary.

In some fields and some circumstances, my entire point was that life can and does fall before you in a fairly satisfying upward path.

For us NOT.



You can always pick someone who entered a good field and made really shitty strategic decisions. So they're kind of like us!


Do you disagree with that point or should we continue to debate stupid shit and pick people who almost went out of their way to choose failure? (speaking to ID)

I agree with this very much. You need a plan and need to stick with it. Unless your parents teach it to you, how are you going to learn this? The same thing applies to investing and saving money. They do not teach this in high school nor college.

Frankly I had no plan when I was younger. I started off in art in college, realized there was no money in it and switched to comp sci. Even after switching to comp sci I still did not have a plan. I just figured I would code and make money. Thats it. I didnt have a clue how the world works beyond the whole - work hard, do what you are supposed to do and the world will be your oyster. Boy was that a rude awakening when it hit me.

Corporate America is not about working hard, its really about politics. My parents had this mentality - go to school, get good grades, get hired by a big company like Ma Bell and you will be set for the rest of your life. Be a company man, do what you are told. At one point that may have been true but it was already dying in the 80s/90s.

Than reality hits you. You realize that all that hard work and FREE OT means NOTHING. What you really need to learn is not how to code but how to think like a business. What can you do that benefits the business while benefiting YOU. If you can think this way there really is no reason to work for someone else providing you have a viable business. In my experience most IT people never figure out that the reason they are there is to benefit the business. Than they wonder why they outsource their job to the lowest bidder. HINT: They dont value you or your skills.

I think the most successful corporate people I have encountered, they entered corporate America with the mentality that they were going to ABC. Than they worked toward that goal. They let nothing stand in their way. But the reality a lot of them top out and than never can get beyond a certain level because in reality its all politics.

Most lawyers dont do that well unless you are in some elite law firm representing the rich or big companies. I know a few because I used to fix their computers on the side. A lot of them starve for work. That is why many of them go into real estate law or become judges. In the case of real estate its brain dead paper pushing but they get paid for grinding out the paper. And you cant do real estate transactions without them.