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Author Topic: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China  (Read 441 times)


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Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« on: May 03, 2018, 07:38:59 pm »
This article says that over age 30 is too old for a tech career in China. Yowch!

At what age do you think discrimination starts against people in IT in the USA?

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2018, 08:34:51 pm »
At what age do you think discrimination starts against people in IT in the USA?

I believe it truly depends upon the niche, the industry, the subsector of IT you work in. Also whether permanent or contract.

Just guessing based on message board comments:

Dot com, large portal companies - as a developer you're human trash by the age of 35 unless you get promoted to an executive position. Think of that prick Zuckerberg pronouncing that only under-30 developers were productive and useful entrepreneurially.

Vertical market, SaaS -  just depends on the company culture.

Internal IT/MIS - sometimes old farts make a home in an end user business.

(Last two are most heavily into domain and business knowledge which favors the mature.)

Borked contracts: probably age 45 and the appearance of any age related greying is where the cut is made.
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I D Shukhov

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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2018, 05:19:05 am »
DoD with a clearance might get you to 60 max in a technical position.  In the last (and I mean last) big company I worked for there were 3 rounds of layoffs.  By the second round a friend in his 50s with an EE and a lot of SIGINT (signals intelligence) experience got laid off.  He, like me, was always getting good performance reviews.

My next door neighbor who is in her 70s, with an MSCS degree  and Java Enterprise experience is still working.   A college buddy who specialized in embedded and other low-level type experience is still working at 68.   A manager once took me aside at a small government contractor where we both worked and complained that he couldn't get him to use anything but DEC  Macro-11 assembly language.   I compliantly used FORTRAN and did whatever I was told to do.  He's still working, I'm not.
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I D Shukhov

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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2018, 05:27:14 am »
This article says that over age 30 is too old for a tech career in China. Yowch!

Of course.  If you're a carton of milk past the sale date you're going to get thrown out.  China would have a huge supply of tech workers, so the employers can be very choosy about whom to hire at a lower cost with good-enough ability.  Same thing here with outsourcing and the H-1B program to fix the "desperate shortage" of software engineers in the US.

So, one wants to be an entrepreneur and not a commodity.

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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2018, 06:11:20 am »
Age discrimination is widespread is former soviet republics like ukraine.

30-35 is their cutoff age also.

They will directly say so in the ad.


Female waitress wanted. Under 29. European looking

Or malr truck driver. Under 35. 10 years of experience. Etc.
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G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2018, 06:35:59 am »
In the US the social justice warriors beat on normal people mercilessly and rudely and clutter the shit out of our civic life with their mindless shill crap.

It's refreshing in a way to hear about current day societies where they absolutely don't give a rat's ass about being woke or political correctness.

"You're in the wrong age group or race, so we think you SUCK, so don't apply here!"

Hiring discrimination will happen anyway. I think it's better when it's above board and honest.
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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2018, 07:51:36 am »

Sjw would freak out there and have a chernobyl style meltdown
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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2018, 09:39:21 pm »
My next door neighbor who is in her 70s, with an MSCS degree  and Java Enterprise experience is still working.   A college buddy who specialized in embedded and other low-level type experience is still working at 68.   A manager once took me aside at a small government contractor where we both worked and complained that he couldn't get him to use anything but DEC  Macro-11 assembly language.   I compliantly used FORTRAN and did whatever I was told to do.  He's still working, I'm not.

Very heartening to hear that some older workers are still out there. We sometimes forget that age discrimination is not a 0 - 1 situation. The odds may tilt against you as you age but that's not an absolute.

Same thing here with outsourcing and the H-1B program to fix the "desperate shortage" of software engineers in the US.

It's amazing how tech companies and their lobbyists have been able to snooker the press to publish their view of the "shortage" as if it were hard fact. The hard fact is that if wages were to rise, so would the number of people who choose to major in CS in college. The "shortage" is only a shortage of people willing to work for the least possible wage.


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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2018, 05:37:47 pm »

I remember the financial meltdown circa 2002. That was a very tough year for me. I don't remember making a dime. You know, c'est la vie. I went to job fairs in Northern Virginia, they looked like bread lines from the Great Depression. Going outside and wrapping around the corner. 

the borks had hundreds of resumes per opening. Hundreds. And it didn't strike me as H1-B dominated.
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Re: Over 30 too old for tech careers in China
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2018, 05:17:28 am »
As an older person you dont want to compete with the youngins on jobs. Focus on jobs where they value your experience. That means management, architecture and analysis.

I went into PM for that very reason. They know I have years and years of experience and know what can go wrong with a project. They dont trust the youngins with million $$ projects because its very easy to screw it up. I did two $6M projects simultaneously last year which impacted a dozen other applications. These projects directly impact the companies bottom line as it involves their products which involve BILLIONS of $. There is no way they would give that to a youngin.

All the PM's I know are in their late 30s as a starting point with most in their 40s/50s. You can put me in front of the CEO and I wont embarrass anyone and by the end the CEO will love me. I know what the upper management wants and can work with them. Youngins dont have enough life experience to understand the dynamics.