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Author Topic: Mark Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Scans Users' Private Messenger Texts  (Read 275 times)


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
  • Wise Sage
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  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
  • Wise Sage
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Re: Mark Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Scans Users' Private Messenger Texts
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2018, 02:03:46 pm »
Who wants to use a messenger app that scans everything you do?  I can see FB scanning the posts that are publicly shown, but the private messages should not be scanned for content.

I worked a lot with content scanning software and understand why companies use it, but what FB is doing seems more like censorship.  Companies use content scanning to protect their trade secrets and to enforce their company policies, but FB is a social media company.  Intruding on people's private email conversations is over the line.  The users do not work for the company and the messages sent are not for public consumption.

It looks likes FB was doing a little bit more than just content scanning according to this user from the article:

"One person has claimed that his Messenger texts have been used to target advertising, tweeting: "So I was messaging my wife about dinner tonight mentioned a particular place on Facebook messenger and then opened up Facebook about to see an ad for that restaurant.

"Tell me they aren't in on every convo I have. Scary!"

I know there is no privacy, but what FB is doing is a bridge too far.