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Author Topic: Lenovo Spyware - update  (Read 371 times)


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Lenovo Spyware - update
« on: April 25, 2018, 09:38:17 pm »
I remember several years ago this forum discussed whether you can trust Chinese-made equipment from the security/privacy standpoint.

I happened to stumble across an article about Lenovo that says the company has now been caught 3 times for pre-installing spyware on their new computers --

This affected 750,000 computers and Lenovo had to pay a fine.

Here's the best part. They planted a rootkit in FIRMWARE, so that even if you do a fresh Windows install to virgin disk, it will be infected!
see --

If anyone here uses a Lenovo and hasn't already fixed their PC, now's the time.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: Lenovo Spyware - update
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2018, 10:04:36 pm »
Uh, hmmm. My Moto G5 (phone) is made by Lenovo, according to the splash screen. Motorola is now a Lenovo company.

Hmmm. I thought Huawei (state owned electronics concern) was a top contender for Trojan horse style espionage.
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Re: Lenovo Spyware - update
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2018, 02:56:59 pm »
Very sneaky.  Put it in the firmware.  I'm sure they are not the only manufacturer doing something like that.  After all, there isn't any computer hardware made in the USA.

I've always removed all the unnecessary third-party programs a new PC comes with, but there wouldn't be a way to remove something like LSE.  Only a firmware update would get rid of it.  This is dangerous because the manufacturer has total control over your PC or server, no matter what you do to mitigate it.  If they wanted it to join an army of bots, that would be within their control and you wouldn't even know it.  Its a stealth enemy.


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
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Re: Lenovo Spyware - update
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2018, 07:01:34 pm »
Uh, hmmm. My Moto G5 (phone) is made by Lenovo, according to the splash screen. Motorola is now a Lenovo company.

Better test for the Adups spyware. How-to is at --