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Author Topic: 8K displays are here  (Read 232 times)


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8K displays are here
« on: September 02, 2018, 04:48:02 pm »
Dell has 8K monitors. No 8K content - yet but I am sure it's coming.

You need a microscope to see anything on it - unless you use Windows scaling. And if you do that and scale it to a normal 4K size or such, why do you need to buy an expensive 8K device? Makes no sense at all.

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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Re: 8K displays are here
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2018, 08:29:43 am »

There are several problems with 8k (we're editing shows / receiving raw "shoot" footage in 8k).

TLDR - I think it's a passing fad (like 3D was a few years back).

On the delivery side (to consumers), there is NO way to deliver 8k content via any MSO (Dish, DirecTV, Comcast, etc.).  Hell, they can't even deliver real HD (1920x1080i - 2k).  Everyone down-res's to something in the 720p range.  The cables going into houses and the Sat Transponders just do not have the bandwidth to support it today.  Yeah, some MSO's cherry pick one or a few networks to show in real HD - but there's still a problem with not enough bandwidth to the home.

On the creation side, it's a even bigger PITA.
- the raw shoot files are HUGE!  This presents a considerable challenge to keep internal / working storage space archived off to tape. 

As image resolution increases from 2K to 4K to 8K, each jump in pixel rate actually squares incrementally. That means that while 4K = 8 megapixels, 8K = 32 megapixels. And this also translates to exponentially bigger video files.  For example, raw 4K footage files like those in the acquisition phase of film production are already huge, averaging about 6000 GB for 90 minutes. However, in 8K, files are nearly three times that size.

When we go out and shoot a concert, there will typically be 8 - 18 4k camera's shooting the various angles.  Now, this is for a typical 4 hour shoot.  Rough / round numbers here (just at 4k) - so, 18 camera's * 16000 GB is around 288000 GB for just this one show. 

So, storage space use is through the roof!   My  3/4 PB NAS will be woefully inadequate!!!!  I have a 9  tray Isilon NAS that's about 800 TB (usable) space for my editors (and this is mostly for 2k / HD video.  We're never below 80% full, and quite frequently in the  low 90's (yeah, let's live dangerously).

- Next, how do we get this footage to the editor's workstation.  We used to have 10G to the high end editor's desktop.  For 8k, I'm (still doing all the math - drive speeds, bus speeds in computers, network switch speeds, network protocols "efficiency", etc), but it's looking like I'll be needing 40G to the desktop.  Then what speed of network backbone do I need to support 80 edit stations?

- Then, we have to deal with the actual editing workstations.  When the concert editor is working on the actual broadcast show, they need all  the camera shots up on a couple of their screens for the entire "show editing / assembly" process.  Then, when they've got the show all sliced up, the workstation needs to be able to handle ALL the video (from all the camera's) + any effects & graphics and "render" it out as a single file we can use to broadcast.  (damned Apple bigots - no real hardware upgrades in about 5 years now).  I've got my team working on POC'ing Windows workstations for this because the Mac's no longer have the "juice"  to be able to handle this bandwidth. 

Just a few of the creation of content "opportunities" to make the shows.

For now, we're creating 4k versions of the shows, but them transcoding / flipping them down to HD format for broadcast out to the MSO's / VOD destinations.


G0ddard B0lt

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Re: 8K displays are here
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2018, 08:55:05 am »
We need to go back to kinescopes!
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Re: 8K displays are here
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2018, 08:18:20 am »
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: 8K displays are here
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2018, 09:07:32 am »
Jbucks makes an excellent point: delivering the data that allows those 8K wide pixels to be fully utilized in detail isn't practical with current technology, even 4K isn't well used with current transmission technology. And actually, 4K and 8K  may never be mass public options, unless you want to pay premium $$$ for some specialty streaming service.
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Re: 8K displays are here
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2018, 11:00:11 am »
Blu-Ray's could be the only (at least in the near term) efficient delivery mechanism.

Too much old (terrestial) infrastructure that needs to be upgraded before higher resolutions can be delivered.  ??? Fiber into the home (and all the way back to the MSO) ???   

I've got no ideas on how the space based delivery mechanisms will be able to handle the bandwidth...


oh, and yes, this is how I spend a lot of time any more.....   wheeeeeee!

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: 8K displays are here
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2018, 01:49:26 pm »

Yeah, delivery of true, not badly compressed 4K or 8K video will have to be right at the video screen or on that local network or otherwise directly connected.

You probably do really well in your current gig (I've seen your title.) So suck it up, it IS "wheee!"
« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 01:59:53 pm by The Gorn »
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Re: 8K displays are here
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2018, 03:37:03 pm »
My job would be a lot more "fun" if I had the time to properly work on "big picture" things like this.  I'm currently (and it's always been this way - although now is the best it's ever been since I've been there) spending more than an FTE on firefighting  / crisis management.

Oh, and the title is worth exactly what I paid for it!!!!!  :'( >:D ::)