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Author Topic: Former agency laying people off  (Read 129 times)


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Former agency laying people off
« on: October 04, 2018, 09:18:06 am »
Got a call from ex-colleague,  they are apparently laying people off again, which they have been doing ever since the beginning of the contract and never really stopped but it does go up and down.

contracting or perma-temping has even less job security than old fashioned "FTE" work The salaries suck, the job security is zero.

These days, people are getting any kind of work they can.

 I have been reminded just how bad things are in the consulting world.
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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Re: Former agency laying people off
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2018, 12:19:41 pm »
Verizon just gave buyout notices to 44,000 employees. They are also transferring 3,000 IT folks to Infosys as part of an outsourcing deal. The IT people aren't eligible for buyouts.

The game is rigged to favor the capital class. Most of the rest of us are just excess inventory.


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Re: Former agency laying people off
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2018, 04:07:44 pm »

How did I miss that. What a cluster.

We are all circling the drain.

This guy that called  me today was a techlead once upon a time and he was the one who basically hired me there 5 years ago. Did a tech interview and pronounced me "OK" and I got the gig. That gig led to this one.  I left after 3 years. Poured my soul into it.  Worked my butt off, they kept downsizing every week and still are apparently. Very tempted to name names but suppose I won't. 

It's the same company that got caught with their pants down providing faulty holographic rifle sights to the troops on the ground in the sandbox and other places. They got sued or fined by the Fed gov. It was a massive PR disaster and they lost credibility. Basically, the gist of it it was, if you zero in your rifle in a cold climate and once you move to a hot climate, the holographic optical sight does not hold zero and totally misses the target. This can be hazardous to your life. In the sandbox, it's not inconceivable to go from +50C to -10C. The temps are all over the place. So these <beep beep> were fully aware they were selling faulty optics and yet continued with the coverup. I read Norwegian troops accidentally discovered the bug.

Anyway, they got a 5 year contract for 500 mil, approximately, and a reasonable person would think they get 100 mil/year. Wrong.  The first year they got say 150 mil, the second 125 mil and so on and the 3rd, 4th and 5th years the numbers went down meaning the people had to be downsides and at first they deliberately over-hired, fully planning to can your butt after a year or two. That's what passes for norm these days.  That's what passes for ethics these days.

So you get a gig offer from them, quit your gig, move your butt from the west coast or Chicago or something and then they can you after 10 months. That's what passes for job security these days. IT people have to eat a giant sheet sandwich the size of Mount Everest.

Any job can end in a nanosecond. It's warfare in IT, similar to jungle warfare where the VC can shoot you at any minute. IT is the office version of that.

The most important job is the next one.

Really tempted to fetch some curse words from my lexicon.

BTW.   I know some people who persevered in a "FTE" "job" - in the classic sense for many years and they actually came out far ahead of me, jumping from gig to gig. They are rare but they are there and they are the survivors.

Gorn you aren't missing one bit in that cluster.   Be happy you dropped out of that insane asylum that IT has become.

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.