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Author Topic: Amazing Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot Now Jumps and Rotates in Mid Air  (Read 474 times)


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We arent going to need the illegals very soon. Oh you want to increase minimum wage to some obscene amount - I will just buy these.

I D Shukhov

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The military is probably paying attention to these robots.  They might be the combat soldiers of the future.

Be Prepared.


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Just like that Netflix episode.

From Black Mirror

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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They can work around the clock, no breaks or benefits. They would quickly pay for themselves.


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Well, have you checked how much they actually cost at this point?

How much they cost to run per hour?


They were computers where in 1961. Yeah, we had these huge computers that cost mega-millions and 1MB of storage that was a million, etc and they just did not become dominant or household items until what? Early 1980's, if that?

IMO we are a full generation from a full integration of these things into our society. Maybe 2 generations.  You can safely assume nobody on this forum will live in a Black Mirror type movie script.

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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They can work around the clock, no breaks or benefits. They would quickly pay for themselves.

They already have those type of robots.  Look at any automobile manufacturing plant or, for that matter, any other type of manufacturing.  Much of the assembly is done by robots.

Now the type of robot you see in the YouTube movies, i.e. the B. dynamics units - the severely limiting issue with them is the power supply.  They can't currently run for more than a few minutes at a time.  To be viable they would need something like a very small nuclear power unit that would last for months or years.


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Interesting point.

There needs to be a revolution in terms of energy source.

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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The energy source is a very important consideration.  I think its amazing that robots can be so agile, but can they keep it up.  At this point, I don't think so.

One thing I don't think anyone ever talks about is what happens to the human race after robots take over any job they can.


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No no no

The robots will create a lot more jobs than they consume

Dont be a Luddite, lol
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


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Robots create jobs for thinking people, but what happens to the people that are more rudimentary?  We've been allowing a lot of them into the country that just know how to pick vegetables.  Many don't have the capability to do much else.

I think little consideration has been given to the impact of robotics on the human race.


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Re: Amazing Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot Now Jumps and Rotates in Mid Air
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2018, 06:23:06 am »
I think it's the same situation as with computers. See how many careers that field has opened?

For one I have severe doubts this shyt will become mainstream anytime soon. It will remain exotic and expensive stuff they show at shows, but how much will that cost when it goes into full production, if ever? 250 grand each?

It will be expensive to own, expensive to maintain. And only toys for billionaires essentially and not practical at all for anyone you know.

That is all assuming they solve the issue of power supply.  That thing has to run off a wire connected to it at all times or have a 5 minute runtime off its own internal Li-ion batteries.

Much cheaper to just hire someone.

Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.