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Author Topic: Basic online security measures  (Read 299 times)


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Basic online security measures
« on: March 26, 2018, 04:19:47 pm »
Not that this is earth-moving revelation but I use the following:

As a search engine, duckduckgo  - sometimes StartPage

As my email platform, protonmail dot com

As my text messenger, Signal

As my other messenger, Telegram

Never-say-anything, you people taking notes??

I need to completely get myself out of that yahoo BS.
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Re: Basic online security measures
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2018, 09:46:31 pm »
Thanks for the info.

About Yahoo, this article in USA Today says that Yahoo lost data on 3 billion users back in 2013... and reported it in 2017.

G0ddard B0lt

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Google and Facebook countermeasures
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2018, 07:22:47 am »
People, here is an idea.

You can register a new/throwaway Gmail account (which is what you log in under for Google search engine) easily. I've farmed a collection of them over the years.

Why not:

1) Use a privacy VPN to obscure your real location.
2) Then stay logged in as an alias Google account when you need search.

Possibly if you start using the burner/fake/alias Google account from your personal ISP, Google will figure out your identity.

If you use a privacy proxy that doesn't keep logs (like Private Internet Access) and you keep highly personal info like documents with your identity on them off of Google or its cloud services like Drive, you should be pretty anonymous.

I find the services of Google to be extremely useful, including the much maligned search history. I've actually gone in quite a few times and searched on my search history. Very meta - search on the search terms I was interested in over the last several years. I have dug up web links that I otherwise never kept and had no other way to find.

Same with Facebook. I D Shukov did a test a few years ago that he wrote about here where he created a Facebook profile with no connections and he refrained from liking anything. As a result the ads that FB pushed at him were completely random. Obviously they didn't know "who" he was.
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Re: Basic online security measures
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2018, 07:22:18 pm »
Thanks for the clever idea.