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Author Topic: Are Programmers, Engineers and V. Technical IT people *Really* "Aspie Retards?  (Read 350 times)


  • Trusted Member
  • Wise Sage
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IT people are for the most part are social retards. I have worked with them my entire career and have never understood them and they don't understand me. They seem to have a myopic view of how the world is and are self absorbed in their "thing" whatever that thing is.

As a child I was not into what typical IT people were into as a kid. They were into math, computers, science, chemistry, physics, chess, dungeons and dragons., star trek, star wars. All the typical stuff you hear that typical geeks like.

What did I like? The outdoors, exercise, sports, art, drawing, painting, architecture, cars, guns,ships, military stuff, woodworking and oh yeah WOMEN. I couldnt do math to save my life. I am better now at it but was horrible than.

I started college as a fine arts major and when I went to comp sci it was a rude awakening. I went from people centric to computer centric. And oh yeah where are the women? Found out I could code like a fiend despite being a math moron because I could see the code in my head just like art. I was only in the field about 3 years when I thought of quitting. I hated the culture and people that much. But the money was way too good and they kept telling us the gravy train would never end. When I transitioned into PM I realized that I liked talking and organizing things far better than sitting at the computer all day being tortured by some block of code.

Here is the thing with IT people - they may be intellectually smart but they don't have any street or political smarts. Some of them are so dumb about this its amazing they can function at all in normal life. I attribute it not that they can't do it but they choose NOT TO DO IT. They don't view it as important so they make no attempt to be better at it. Normal people don't have the intellect to fall back on so they are forced to learn social skills when they are young. Because IT people have the intellect they have no need to learn the social skills and they focus on that thing. Thats why I said they had a myopic view of things in the beginning.

Example: when the H1B invasion started the IT people should have self organized into a union or guild and stopped this shit cold. But did they do that? NOPE. They sat around intellectualizing about it: is stopping it right? do h1bs have a right to be here? how are we impacting h1bs by helping them and whatever vomit worthy material came into their thick skulls. And businesses used the fact they were social retards to destroy their career.

Can you imagine doing this with long shoreman? They long shoreman would have gone out and split some head and had very violent and vocal walk outs. And guess what? The business capitulates.

And this is why IT people are their own worst enemy. They can't see the forest through the trees.

Silly Valley is another prime example. These tech prima donnas live in a virtual tech bubble where they don't interact with the outside world. They don't understand that the rest of us don't believe what they believe. On top of this these snot nosed aspie morons think they know whats right for the rest of us while not having any real world experience. They are all brave behind their keyboard but what happens when the day comes they are facing a mob who wants their ass? Are they going to intellectualize their way out of it? I doubt it. They will be snuffed out.

You are right essentially and this kinda echoes my own suspicious. 

IT has become a global market and now now instead of 55 or 60 or more per hour, we have to compete with $17 to $25/hour because Elbonians think $17 /hour is a great wage given they made 100 rupees per day over there or $1.60. It has become, for the most part, a global economy and we have to compete with all that. Dot gov and dot mil are few areas where this isn't true - yet.

instead of collaborating, IT experts adapted the theory of devil take the hindmost  and you perish today, I will perish tomorrow.

In all of these years, I have seen very little collaboration. Even contacting some former coworker, pinging him about what gigs might be available, he/she/it becomes either defensive or non-responsive. Frenemies.
That's the *norm*. Not the exception. Poorly veiled "F-u".
I've ran into this time and again.

IT women are the worst retards of them all.  I am sorry but all of the above resonates with me.

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