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Author Topic: Anti-AI video: "Do You Trust This Computer?" free viewing through Sunday  (Read 510 times)

I D Shukhov

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I read somewhere that Musk is bankrolling the free viewing.

There are clips from Robocop to drive home the point of what could happen when autonomous weapon systems that are under development by the military turn rogue.  That would include drones, pilotless aircraft and all the scary robots that Boston Dynamics keeps rolling out.

Tai, the Microsoft Twitter chatbot which turned into a misanthropic racist monster after 24 hours is mentioned.

Around 21:00 a strong Luddite pitch starts.  Robots and AI-based information systems are going to take away jobs from both blue and white collar workers.

At 29:44 there is a VERY WEIRD AND SCARY  Japanese (who else) android named Erica.  If there was ever an uncanny valley effect, Erica demonstrates it.  The uncanny valley effect is that to the degree an android looks and acts human we will become repelled by it.

Erica looks friendly enough most of the time, but every so often there is an unnatural jerk or psychopathic look in her eyes which is truly terrifying.

The Facebook/Cambridge Analytics fiasco came about apparently while the documentation was in production and they gleefully incorporated it.

Facebook is said to be just the sort of thing of how AI will destroy humanity.  It's not that AI has anything personal against humans, it's just that AI is goal-directed and if humans get in the way, then bye bye humans.   Facebook's example is that the goal is to enhance social interaction.  One interviewee described a resonance effect with people being fed self-affirming information feeds from like-minded people and fake news so that eventually a mirror is built for them by Facebook in which they figuratively gaze into and ask “Who is the fairest of them all?" and you get back,  "You, you after all!” 

Thus, Facebook purportedly diminishes people while manipulating them into yielding to Facebook (a symbol for all its AI algorithms) information so that they can be commercially exploited.

An interesting take on personality characterization is described by who said that in the old days psychometric analysis was done with questionnaires.  Nowadays it's much more effective to gather online posting, searching, buying and browsing data and analyze it with a neural network to gain personality insights. does this and it accurately described some my personality based on my postings on this board. 

At the end of video Musk apparently gives up trying to stop or regulate AI and says the only answer is to merge with it, as in if can't fight 'em, join 'em.  Not sure what he has in mind, though.  It was kind of left as a hanging, open question.   Everything Musk said before is that AI will attain superintelligence and that it will be impossible to get it to play nice.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 09:40:59 am by I D Shukhov »
Be Prepared.

G0ddard B0lt

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This is a really good analysis. Thanks!

Very interesting. I've seen this link, and I didn't bother to look into it.

Facebook's example is that the goal is to enhance social interaction.  One interviewee described a resonance effect with people being fed self-affirming information feeds from like-minded people and fake news so that eventually a mirror is built for them by Facebook in which they figuratively gaze into and ask “Who is the fairest of them all?" and you get back,  "You, you after all!” 

Having lived inside the Facebook bubble for a couple of years and lived to tell about it :P I wouldn't exactly call what Facebook does "enhancing" social interaction.

Real social interaction as humanity has experienced it for the duration of our species implies that you have to bargain, reason, cooperate and compromise literally all of the time with other individuals who have their own problems and agendas. At the same time you often don't have much information on what others are thinking when they interact with you since in normal society people generally don't reveal their thoughts openly.

Facebook won't help with mastering any of that, in fact, it's counter to actual healthy relationships.

What Facebook does is hugely amplify your ability to interact with people who tend to create less friction with you than the run of the mill humanity, and who themselves are being affirmed constantly. At the same time people on Facebook visibly show in numerous ways how they reason and think and what they value.  In other words with Facebook (or any other online venue, but to lesser degrees) you learn much more about the image that people want to convey about their thinking. But you always have a big "off" switch to dismiss anyone who is disagreeably argumentative. You can't do that in real life.

That "building an image I want others to see" is pervasive on FB. It tends to foster unrealistic behaviors and it rewards bad behavior. It's both the home of virtue signaling as well as narcissistic preening.  In real life you'd tell someone who is talking down to you to f*ck off. On Facebook if you stake a political position you get to use it as a hammer to show how morally superior you are.

From the comments on this board I know for a fact that everyone currently on the board (except perhaps Pxsant and of course me) is unaware of how it feels to participate heavily on Facebook. Y'all see it from a distance. The average citizen in society with a social media addiction isn't familiar to us here on this board. 

I'm saying that to a specific personality type Facebook is as addictive as cigarettes or anything else that's bad for you. And FB instills a need to see others conform to your world view.

I could go on at length about other aspects... Facebook allows you to create "group hugs" that would look really foolish and out of place in real life. You can synthesize causes and you can then even convince the subsets of the normies on Facebook that your cause is just what they need to feel included and special. It CAN happen in real life but it's much harder.

Again, it's all artificial counterparts of real life social interaction.

Lastly I wouldn't say that Facebook ropes in stupid people... or actually maybe it does. It ropes in average people who get lonely and who need affirmation. Facebook is normie central.

I get very lonely and I need affirmation, but I know that FB has too many strings attached and distorts real life, so I stay away from it because it's just not for real.

FB is like an AI of real relationships.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 10:27:27 am by The Gorn »
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G0ddard B0lt

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So anyway, about Facebook...
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2018, 02:06:31 pm »
I  see FB being a self evidently fertile feeding ground for influencing people.

People on Facebook who cultivate their personal Facebook image and who buy into the culture deeply are vulnerable to influence and manipulation. Since they themselves have already selected themselves to be manipulated.

I'm saying that the cheap thrill aspect of the "Facebook dopamine rush" is only one sliver of the entire environment.
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I D Shukhov

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Re: So anyway, about Facebook...
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2018, 03:50:55 pm »
I  see FB being a self evidently fertile feeding ground for influencing people.

People on Facebook who cultivate their personal Facebook image and who buy into the culture deeply are vulnerable to influence and manipulation. Since they themselves have already selected themselves to be manipulated.

I'm saying that the cheap thrill aspect of the "Facebook dopamine rush" is only one sliver of the entire environment.

At 1:02:00 - 1:04:00 there is a presentation by Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica, telling how his company boosted Ted Cruz's positive rating from  < 5% to 35% in the 2016 presidential primaries, and then went on to support the Trump campaign after Cruz dropped out.
Nix says at 1:03:48 that his company has "4-5,000 data points on every adult in the U.S.".   

The method was apparently to psychologically profile people on FB and then send them news messages to get them motivated enough to vote.  Nix said, for example, that potential Cruz voters were fed gun rights news to get them to support Cruz more.

I'm not being partisan because Democrats used FB as a source of psychographic data to persuade voters.  It's the current big data way of doing what campaigners have done all along with primitive door-to-door canvassing.  Unfortunately for the Democrats, they didn't have Cambridge Analytica as a consultant.
Be Prepared.

G0ddard B0lt

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Re: So anyway, about Facebook...
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2018, 05:27:35 pm »
Cruz voters were fed gun rights news to get them to support Cruz more.

I'm not being partisan because Democrats used FB as a source of psychographic data to persuade voters.  It's the current big data way of doing what campaigners have done all along with primitive door-to-door canvassing.  Unfortunately for the Democrats, they didn't have Cambridge Analytica as a consultant.

I agree completely with what you're saying. Both/either side will take whatever advantage they have available to them. Including psychological vulnerabilities in segments of the voting public. Facebook users are and have been ripe for emotional exploitation.

Facebook reduces everyone to the psychological profile of a 13 year old teenage girl.  :P
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some good thoughts here, Gorn.

I've believed for many years some of the thoughts articulated there.
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I've never been a fan of FB because I didn't trust them.  Every few months I go on there and am just stunned at how people I know share their every moment on FB.  "I ate at this restaurant".  Well, BFD.  I think you hit the nail on the head Gorn when you said"

"Facebook reduces everyone to the psychological profile of a 13 year old teenage girl."

I never cared about any of their ads,  I just was looking to see what some of my friends and family were doing.  Look at pictures, that kind of stuff.  Unless you go to a purely political web page, I'm not sure how effective those ads would be for people like me.  I'm only interested in the people I know when I'm on FB.  FB is a big ego trip for some of them.