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Author Topic: "Want To Freak Yourself Out?" Here Is The Data That Facebook/Google Collects  (Read 389 times)


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
  • Wise Sage
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  • Posts: 3267


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
  • Wise Sage
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  • Posts: 2731
Thanks for the excellent link. The data collection sure goes further than even many knowledgable people would suspect.


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
  • Wise Sage
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  • Posts: 2506
Thanks, ilconsiglliere.  That is a great link.  Sickening, but great.

Why is all of this information saved forever?  Most people are not criminals.  I don't get it because I worked on lots of networks and there are retention dates for most things on everythin.  Why not on our personal histories?


  • Trusted Member
  • Wise Sage
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don't forget to add yahoo to the list.
Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


  • CCF Winner's Circle - Supporter
  • Wise Sage
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  • Posts: 2731
I read FB is in the process of moving all its data on EU citizens to the US to avoid conforming to the new EU privacy law the GDPR. That dodge must have been in progress even while Mr Zuckerberg was testifying before Congress. I wonder if FB can really avoid the new GDPR rules by locating the data outside the eurozone, or whether the GDPR protects EU citizens regardless of where the data is stored.